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H U N T E R..

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About H U N T E R..

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. That's how I hunt me mate lamps and I chase the rabbit and karate chop it well better than using dogs more fun lol
  2. agree mate it was the same with the sparrowhawk 70`s early `s they were as rare as hens teeth around here, now there as common as starlings. Which is ironic because as sparrowhawk numbers have increased so populations of small bird species have crashed. Like has been said, there are shed loads of badgers local to me but I haven't once seen a hedgehog in the 8 years I've been living here but I've seen more badgers than in my whole life previous. Don't think spars are to blame mate they kill for food magpies kill for fun and there's a lot more of them than sparrow hawks even the go
  3. I hate people like that he would of put it on a lead if it was a young lad with 2 pits I bet. coz they think not much will happin to there dogs when there only little terriers I had a polish fella the other day with a rotty x st Bernard type dog an it went for my Russell I was busy in the bush at the time setting a rat trap so didn't c it coming then his dog chased mine every where my clever little f****r jumped in the lake an swam into the reids so as I come running out he seen me then starts shouting his dog in polish I didnt no were mine went so shouting at him and looking for my dog then I
  4. Try touching each pad individually and see if there is any reaction from him an have a good root in between each toe. Is it licking or chewing that paw?
  5. I love the lanners don't now y but I feel in love with them when I was younger there isn't a bird of prey I don't like except vultures of course like owls aswel
  6. Nice the male r more faster an agile than females arnt they but bigger prey with the female hard choice when choosing a sex lol
  7. In every form of it aswel and including fishing. Maybe not falconry because time and effort needs 2 b but in on that maybe wrong on that 1 tho maybe a falconer can comment on that 1 There is loads of time needed to be spent with birds of prey, from when you first get them till they pass on, my boss uses his birds at work and when I finally get my red tail we will be using that as well I would love a bird of prey I have studied them since I was a pup but I don't think am suitable for 1 so never have got 1 always worked to much an not enough land by me if I won the lotto I would fukc of t
  8. In every form of it aswel and including fishing. Maybe not falconry because time and effort needs 2 b but in on that maybe wrong on that 1 tho maybe a falconer can comment on that 1
  9. :laugh: :laugh: them bloody bull crosses Especialy the 1's with rifles an hoodies on little fuckers
  10. It was saying it was only a youngish stag It looks like a bad shot on the pic higher back
  11. Whats everyone's view on this they shot a big stag an it died a slow death so I read in the paper it was dubbed to be bigger than the exmoor emperor (may not be spelt [bANNED TEXT]) this is gonna bring a lot of shit with it for the boys who live close or just the lads with the rifles in general the antis will be out on this one. It's things like that that go against all of us.
  12. Sorry boys am a bit tiered read that wrong and seen wildfowling for beginners so sort of on it now atb
  13. Sorry to but what is wildflowering never heard the term before is it just shooting ducks an geese or r ya's taking pics of them. ano this may sound daft to u people but really never heard it an [bANNED TEXT] I search on google it just makes out ya's pick flowers lol
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