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Everything posted by dave686

  1. you can send the pic,s to vickysmith.72@hotmail.co.uk
  2. hi there,s 7 arrows with it not shore of the pound but very powerful ,it a nice cross bow but no where to take it . so what rifle have you got to swop
  3. not shore what make but very powerful and fun with arrows and scope
  4. nice gun but sorry mate i need somethink with a pump or bottle
  5. Hi Andy if your still intrested in fishing stuff I've got 2beach rods 1 spining rod I use for bass a michell reel rod stand and a box of all diffent bits traces swivels crimps hooks waits .you no all the stuff let me no thanks Dave
  6. wanting to swap for a nice air rifle im getting a bit to old for all that lol
  7. wanting to swap for a nice air rifle im getting a bit to old for all that lol
  8. wanting to swap for a pcp with a pump or a very good springer
  9. swap for 22 or 177pcp air rifle with a pump anything considered
  10. hi i cant intrest you in metal detector can i
  11. wanting to swop my metal detector for a air rifle it a great detetor just turn on and go it go,s very deep it comes with rechargeable batterys a bag and spade .i dont have time for to hobbys
  12. hi im in dover and would like somethink i can go hunting with not one of them cheap 40 pound guns
  13. thanks kev that worked now i just need a valve stem and top hat my one was all the way in so i tryed to undo it but the grub screw rounded off so i drilled it out and when straight through the stem lol ive filled it with glue but keeps blowing out . i give up with this gun sometimes but i do like it a lot
  14. can anyone help im looking for a valve stem and top hat for my stealth
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