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Everything posted by Sako.243

  1. Pups looking very well guys! Clipper what size is "Ruby" now. Gabby is 24/25" tts dont think she'll be that much smaller is she ?
  2. Sako.243


    What do you call a Muslim with 10 rabbits round his neck.......................... Bin Lamping...........................
  3. Nice one mate, There is no finer sport IMHO. Love it. Been roost shooting a wood the last couple of evenings.
  4. Nice one young man, Keep at it!! Remember being your age once and loved it, Out every day hunting & fishing or general mooching around after school weekends etc..........
  5. Sorry Dawn never seen your post, Solway are also very good.
  6. Three generations together, Grandmother, Father & Daughter. Oh and breeder "Cyclops"
  7. She is 23"tts, How bigs yours "R".
  8. Leaving her at home and Fecking off Hind stalking on a mates Estate for the last day of the season. Love her really............
  9. Down by the local river today for a stroll in the snow.
  10. This is my spoilt little shite, As said previously she is a front seat passanger. Wife totally spoils her.
  11. This is my 3rd one over the years, Had an L200 in between but prefer the Landy.
  12. Thats ok it will come,Its in them. I sometimes think a wee bit hyper at this age is a good thing as it can be sorted , Its when there is no go about them is when i start to worry. Tigger looking very well mate. The wife said you had her oot.
  13. Turner Richards, If they are still on the go ?
  14. Not sure exactly but it will be worth a fortune, China and India cant get enough steel/metal etc.
  15. I use a 3 shot Berretta Urika Mk2 Black Synthetic, Had no problems with it. Someone on here is selling a Fabarm 6 shot black synthetic. VGC! PM me for details.
  17. Went down to the Border last night to meet P.T.B to pick up my new pup, This pup is bred from Mik's Tigger X Dannys Penny. The litter were born on the 13th August 2008 so they are almost 6 months. Few shots taken today of a few easy retrieves and a stroll in the snow.
  18. Sako.243

    FAO Sako.243

    The pup has arrived in GODS Country!! Full stomach and tucked in her warm Kennel. All thanks to P.T.B. Cheers big man!!!
  19. Sako.243

    FAO Sako.243

    Cheers Big man!! ATB Sako
  20. Heard and seen of this before, There was a pic of a Roe Doe with a single unicorn type antler in the middle of its head. V-Max on here once shot one with tusks.
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