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Everything posted by Sako.243

  1. Same here, I enjoy Stalking the freak bucks. As they say you can always tell a good Stalker by the shite on his wall.
  2. Was out today but guess what?? No feckin Bucks all Does this morning. Found a good medal Buck dead in a ditch.
  3. Well done that man, Excellent fish.
  4. I take it Dumpling Cheeks is named after the once legend him self as his gut and chops are the spit double of a Dumpling. IMHO.
  5. WILF, I hear they are getting a couple of Cats now that Fatty is out of the Dog game, Not sure how much of this is true, Can you shine any light on the matter ??
  6. I did one just the other day, Got a ball of string and tied a nail on one end and stitched it on. Works wonders.
  7. I prob have 100+ Sako .243 Bullet Cases in my Shooting Cupboard free to good home if anyone wants them?? They are all Factory loads and were bought as loaded bullets.
  8. Yeah before some f****n little NEDS killed it after repeatedly shooting at it at close range with Air Guns.........
  9. Now now fanny boy, You dont want me to open that can of "stolen Granny Pants off the washing line" worms now do ye!!
  10. Yip its official Moo you are a COCK!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have the disc, If i can find it i will send you a copy.
  12. Well done mate, Keep at em! Seen 3 big foxes lastnight on the lamp, They werent for stopping.
  13. Ill take it if you can send it to Scotland.
  14. Keep at it mate, Buy a copy of Trout Fisherman ect, Get some tips on local rivers in question ie flys and insects that given fish may be feeding on. Best of luck mate. Tight lines....................................... I do a fair bit its my summer sport, Salmon and Trout.
  15. Picked a big bunch of them the other day for the wife, Out of a local Farmers field where i walk ma dogs. They grow thousands of acres of them up here.
  16. Sako.243


    Same here mate, Cracking programe with breath taking footage.
  17. Do it all the time mate, Great on a hard frosty morning, Rabbits seem to bolt better. Great sport.
  18. Yes Ali unfortunatly that is she.
  19. Few more pics taken of the pup today. She will be 7 months old in a weeks time.
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