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charlie nelly1

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Everything posted by charlie nelly1

  1. Thanks for the kind comments, and aye marky not sure what it is but it's a handy size for a best box and very heavy!
  2. Must admit folk there shit pics ah well better than Nowt
  3. First two are brothers a year old out of brood cock Brood cock
  4. Must be your old eyes mate looks as clear as day to me ha suppose I could improve with the camera skills
  5. Moved snare and also set using one strand of wire we'll see how this goes
  6. Cheers lads sounds like a change of wire maybe a wise moove, so if anyone had any spare I'd appreciate if you'd pop us a PM and of course il pay
  7. Went up the other night to check it with a torch ones checked and just moved the wire slightly I went to check the chickens and a young rat ran streight out and down the run, by the looks of it it had runs streight through as it had just made the loop smaller. Also it seems solid to set of are there any other trigger mechanisms or a way to make this more sensitive?
  8. Hope it works lads, just hope it doesn't spring off in the wind, I'm no expert but I think the wire may be too thick if I remember I bought the wire as a rabbit snare, would a change of wire be a wise option?
  9. Reading a post on here made me want to have go at snaring rats, currently been using fenn traps with good results but thought this would be an achievement if it was to work here are some pics I'll keep you updated, also hope this is the right spot to post this
  10. It's not fighting mate other eyes as clear as day the blood on combs is just from pecks of hens?
  11. Just noticed this on a hen today only just recently happened anyone know what it is and why it's happened?
  12. Just noticed this on a hen today only just recently happened anyone know what it is and why it's happened?
  13. Cheers lads, this is just shavings/sawdust as much as I can fit in my van I get for free
  14. American hen hatched this stag think it's out of an oxford Ginger, what do you lads think
  15. Explain what you mean by abit short in the body and yes he is a fit bird
  16. Yes I bred him and each to there own mate
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