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Everything posted by lazyhunter

  1. big e did she have a litter about a year ago if so were did they go.
  2. yes mate fat ann had the dam wee g tell ya better mate he owns rosie my mate has a pic of the dam his bitch is a good bitch as well but she wouldnt stand for any dogs can you get a pic of her up
  3. iceys back just sold another 1 good luck that was quick.
  4. thats the pups from lucas x cindy theyd be made up of whippet saluki grey they looking well are they all spoken for.
  5. sorry big e seen them good lookig pups what way are they bred.
  6. no u done the right thing hope pup turn out better for u.
  7. hope u dont get a knock on the door dog dealer Iceys out dealing
  8. could you not get it a pet home or give it to speedie.
  9. ah well im sure icey will get someone else for it ICEYS A DOG PEDDLER thats history he has weed money to get.
  10. about time i was going to get it sent over for rabbits but heard it jacked on them too.
  11. my dogs a wanker any saluki cross up there that dont jack on rabbits dont worry u in good company on this site why u think there on every night dogs not worth going out with. better craic on here than carrying rabbits for some other cnut
  12. ARE YOU STILL MY FRIEND LAZY :thumbs: i heard you,s are more than friend,s
  13. well lazyb no lamping tonight whats wrong
  14. hi youed need to start telling the truth i know different dont wanna embarrase you in public so knock the lies on the head i think if you pricks had chance you would embarrase me dont talk a load of bollocks all the time you go of for jm to fill your head full of shite at least speedie tells the truth.you lot are summer hunters then say we bred the best in ireland when using speedies breeding then running he,s dog,s down.we all know speedie knows more about running dog,s than you lot put together. is that why he breeds to jackers together and as for summer hunters have you seen sp
  15. hi youed need to start telling the truth i know different dont wanna embarrase you in public so knock the lies on the head i think if you pricks had chance you would embarrase me dont talk a load of bollocks all the time you go of for jm to fill your head full of shite at least speedie tells the truth.you lot are summer hunters then say we bred the best in ireland when using speedies breeding then running he,s dog,s down.we all know speedie knows more about running dog,s than you lot put together.
  16. are you sure she killed it guess not.
  17. thats a great pic good to hear the hounds in full flow.
  18. your not getting it im in front of you now. incey,s back must have a jacker to sell on. lads never sold a jack never l will l PTD it 1st what happened happened up to weeg what he does with the dog??? how you all go at the week end he gave u a few quid for getting rid off it true.
  19. thomas computer gone down again come on tell the truth not what jm feeds u.
  20. now lazy thats you told off start behaving yourself.just because im from the village area im no idiot.
  21. still goes on lazy but your not in the know.
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