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About cors88

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  1. my lurcher eats about half a cup of dry food in the morning and the same at night not enough for 1 meal. This is even after exersice. She is ment to eat 1.5 cups. I dont want to resort to that tinned stuff which im not keen on feeding her but she keeps losing weight. How can I incorage her to eat more? She is on wain wrights.
  2. im eager to get out with my lurcher but need to find someone who will take me out lamping or let me go out on my own. can anyone make a suggestions. im in east anglia.
  3. how long can a healthy lurcher run flat out for? Mine is 5.5 yrs medium sized and very fit. Going to time her on her next run. I know cheeters have to stop after so long because of their heart. Anyone had a dog die from over running? just trying to judge how fit she could be. Two minutes is very good she gives up on cwd after about 1minute and they carry on for two field before stopping incredable endurance.
  4. hi just signed in. go a Q about long dogs. how long can a health lurcher run flat out for? mine is medium sized and very fit. going to time her on her next run. i know cheaters have to stop after so long their heart is working to fast. anyone had a dog die from over running?

    1. Lab


      saluki can run flat out for 6 and a half hours.

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