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paul sr

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Everything posted by paul sr

  1. Haiti is one of the best examples of a failed state.
  2. I would like to think there is a special place in hell , for politicians that send young men of to fight in foreign wars .
  3. Turn them back mid channel ? . You have the best trained marines in the world ,they could have being turned back mid channel years ago . Mass immigration in to europe and north america is planned.
  4. 95% of people living in Europe and the US are on the debt slave treadmill , from when they start working until they die .
  5. The real invasion of Ukraine ,will happen when the EU and the WEF ,flood Ukraine with million of people from africa and the middle east .
  6. If people saw all the back room deals between the bankers,corporations,political class, and intelligence services to manufacture conflicts , no body would fight in any of these wars.
  7. I suspect there has being a lot more bodies fished out of the Hudson .
  8. It is a pity the western countries and politicians that support and arm Israel , regardless of what war crimes or atrocities it commits , don't want to have a similar immigration policy to Israel in there own countries .
  9. The only reason they have backed down is there is going to be EU elections this year. I suspect the back down is only temporary .
  10. We can add navalny to a long list of questionable deaths . JfK , Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King , Malcolm X, Yasser Arafat, Dr David Kelly, Jamal Khashoggi, Jeffrey Epstein, Yevgeny Prigozhin , etc, etc .
  11. Are you surprised ? .
  12. European cultural and heritage is being dismantled and eroded in all European countries.
  13. The people that tell us that China ,Russia and Iran are a threat ,are the same people that want to flood the west with millions of people from the 3rd world.
  14. Ivor cummins was talking about this on his podcast . His podcast is well worth watching , he comes across as a very intelligent man.
  15. If they get the people responsible for any of these arson attacks , the system will do there best to make an example of them .
  16. I had sleep apnea for over 20 years ,so i definitely was sleep deprived . When i had my first sleep test , they said i stopped breathing 30 times in 7 hours .
  17. If any one doesn't think open borders and mass immigration is not planned . I suggest you ,do your research in to that dung bag of an irish man , peter sutherland and listen to his speeches . Then look at the companies and organisations he worked for .
  18. London is not that far behind Paris .
  19. Last year there was over 50000 Africans that crossed the US southern border . The big question is how payed for there flights from Africa to central america ? .
  20. Sinn fein only became acceptable in the south when they took the knee to Brussels . They want the brits out , but are willing to accept EU control over the country.
  21. Wide spread civil unrest is the thing most people are concerned about . There is nothing wrong with being able to feed and protect your family in that kind of situation .
  22. They could just make Hamas irrelevant by granting and respecting full statehood for Palestine within reasonable borders .
  23. War is a rich mans racket . British politicians have pissed and shit on the graves of the british men that fought in ww2, in the same way irish politicans are pissing and shitting on the graves of Irish men how fought for ireland . " when the rich go to war , it's the poor how die " .
  24. Sinn fein are similar to the scottish national party .
  25. Ireland is heading down the same sewer pipe .
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