Sweden is about 6 times larger than ireland and looks at all the problems they are having. In twenty years time the island of ireland will be unrecognisable.
When they bring a million more people into this island by 2040 and the majority of them african or from the middle east . Nationalists and loyalists on this island will eventually become a the minority.
First they will get the hate crime law passed ,then they will move against IFP and NP . If you don't go alone with the narrative, they will silence you one way or another .
All the main Street parties just seem to do what ever Brussels wants. Sinn fein want the brits out ,but don't have a problem with being ruled from Brussels ? .
Four degenerates were convicted of raping a seventeen year old girl last week and about three months ago a school teacher in her early twenties was murdered.
After trump imposed the sanctions on Iran. China and Iran increased economic and military corporation. When the West makes enemies , China moves in and makes friends.
China has it's own equivalent of the swift payment system. There was an nuclear agreement with Iran and everyone was happy with, but Israel wasn't, then trump was elected and scrapped the agreement. Then Trump imposed severe sanctions on Iran. Now China and Iran have strong economic and military ties . America pulls out of Afghanistan and China moves in. When the West makes enemies ,China makes friends.