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paul sr

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Everything posted by paul sr

  1. If guns were outlawed only the criminals would have guns. You have other countries that have high gun ownership, but they don't have the same problem as America. Big cities in America tend to have high rates of violence.
  2. Democrat controlled cities usually have strong gun laws by high homicide rates . Just look at Chicago.
  3. They got the nyc homicide down from 2500 to less than 300 . Having good old school cops like William Bratton and John Timoney in charge. With strong political support. The Steet crimes unit did an excellent job getting illegal guns of the street's and saved thousands of lives.
  4. The problem is gun control does no disarm the criminal. Thirty years ago there were an average of 2500 homicides a year in the five boroughs. Mayor dinkins, response to the homicide rate was to ban hunting rifles. Law-abiding men , had the rifles for deer stalking and hunting coyotes up state. What got the homicide rate down was The Street Crime Unit and Stop and Frisk .
  5. The reason the majority of them get locked up , is when they were growing up they had no father, discipline or guidance.
  6. There was a similar type of shooting in a Jewish owned business on e 125th St in harlem about 25 years ago. A man entered the store and shot any White's he came across. I can't remember but I think he torched the store as well . I think about 7 or 8 people died.
  7. The majority of veteran's I came across, all felt they were simply used and when the war's ended. They were discarded. The Rhodesians were the exception. Which is understable when you see what was done to there country.
  8. The brake down of the traditional family has a lot to do with the chaos we have in society today.
  9. Innocent people going about their business, being shoot by criminals or mentally ill individuals in state's is nothing new. The media and politicians were quick to promote the white supremacy narrative. The race hustlers and gun control people will exploit what happened to these poor people. There is a good chance this piece of Dung will have federal charges brought against him and he will go behind the wire for the rest of his life.
  10. George soros and Bono .
  11. With all these groups or organisations, you have to look where the money is coming from to see how is pulling the strings.
  12. What was considered normal for centuries is being reclassified as abnormal and what was considered abnormal is being reclassified as normal .
  13. Bono is a gobshite and tax exile .
  14. In the not to distant future. all over this island you will have areas calling little Mogadishu, little Abuja, little Harare, little Riyadh, little Islamabad . If you want to see the future look at sweden.
  15. The irish Republic owes 240 billion and 65 billion of that is for the Bank bailout. That is a crazy amount for the size of the country
  16. There may be a united ireland at some stage, but that will be a united ireland controlled by Brussels. A united ireland where the nationlast and unionist people combined will be a minority.
  17. This sick piece of dung got a very light sentence and a very light beating , considering what he did to the child.
  18. paul sr

    Silly lad

    If that clown went to bed-stuy ,where Tyson grew up and behaved like that, it wouldn't be a few light punches he would get .
  19. There is over 360,000 people dead in the war in Yemen.
  20. Israel war crimes with American made weapons.
  21. As us marine Smedley butler said, war is a racket conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.
  22. This war could have been avoided with negotiations. I am not condoning what Russia had done. But the hypocrisy of the West is on real . Vladimir putin is a war criminal, but George Bush, Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu, Aries sharon, and Henry kissinger are not war criminals.
  23. This time next year you won't be able to say that because of the so called hate speech laws they are about to bring in. The EU want to prevent people from objection to mass immigration.
  24. Two years ago a Japanese man was killed in dundalk and two others stabbed by someone from Egypt.
  25. The first man's body was supposedly discovered by his teenage niece.
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