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paul sr

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Everything posted by paul sr

  1. With his natural size ,if he eats and trainees right he should be able to double his lifts in about 5 to 6 years .
  2. Narcissistic people are toxic and go through life leaving a trail of destruction behind them ,with no remorse .
  3. When a narcissistic marries in to a family , they tend to cause problems and chaos .
  4. You are very fortunate to have the 2nd amendment .
  5. Garda ccorruption is nothing new . Remember what was going on in donegal and elsewhere in the country .
  6. I agree that religion was used to control the masses , nowadays other means are being used to control the masses .
  7. It is very important to rinse out your mouth after taking apple sider vineger , or it will destroy your teeth .
  8. Nollaig shona daoibh goleir .
  9. It is very good at preventing gout .
  10. Any dog can become aggressive if they are mistreated and abused . There is people that should not have dogs ,just like there is people that should not have childern . If there was heavy fines imposed and the money deducted from there social welfare or wages, that would solve the problem with irresponsible dog owners .
  11. Blair is worth about £40 million today , while there is thousands of veterans homeless .
  12. Apparently tony blair and alastair campbell are advising the albanian goverment .
  13. This is why there is 11000 irish people homeless .
  14. Rte won't report on these protests . What is required is a lot more peaceful protests like this one . Good to see malachy steenson and philip dwyer at that protest.
  15. They seem to be the only tds in touch with reality , no woke bs from them .
  16. If they could see Britain today they would be disgusted and shocked .
  17. When you don't have pride in your community , heritage and country, you have very little left .
  18. If someone like Erik Prince the founder of Blackwater security was given the contract to stop people crossing the channel or the mediterrean , the problem would be solved with in six months .
  19. The bottom line is they don't want to stop people crossing the mediterranean or the british channel .
  20. Albanian clans or mafia are involved in criminal activities in countriies around the world .
  21. paul sr


    Hard working people have there bank accounts frozen , but the racial racketeers in the BLM don't ?.
  22. paul sr


    People have forgotten how the canadian truckers had there bank account frozen .
  23. In 30 years time europe will be unrecognizable .
  24. paul sr

    Border Poll

    If every government department was as efficient as revenue , it would be a great country. I don't think there is much difference between working class people in these islands .they like the same sports, hobbies music , etc. They have the same struggles and issues to deal with .
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