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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. nice dogs them captain what way are they bred?
  2. Thats a nice bitch bally boy i seen her a while back and she will have enough speed .The man that had her has one of if not the best bitch in ireland I.M.H.O and he said that bitches mother was a better one .She has a nice bit of size which is a big help no need for greyhounds theirs a few lurchers still with enough speed use them and i dont mean ones ye have to throw on top of the hare really good to hear you say that own pal as i really value your opinion your at this game a long time and owned and seen some very dogs running as for the mother of ballyboys bitch she was top class bitc
  3. best of luck with her pal it was a good bit of craic
  4. ya she is out my first x and tiger, very fast sharp little bitch yea tiger is throwing good one's alright what your bitch like to stay?! she looks tough enough wind wise, but they only got a handfull of slips at the end of the season, next season will be the test of them all
  5. ya she is out my first x and tiger, very fast sharp little bitch
  6. il get a few pics up of all the pups 2morro, there fine big powerful dogs, they should show plenty of sport next season
  7. they the makeing of top class stuff bally boy very fast up and at them with plenty wind, the cream bitch will be 1 to watch
  8. no prob cap look forward to it should be a bit craic pal, im off to the cot lads chat to ye 2morro
  9. she be 3 next november captain, hopefully get another 2 or 3 seasons out of her, only pity is we cant send the dogs away on holidays for summer lol im sick looking at them this time of year
  10. Would it not be just lads on here that run in it hardly going to ask the whole of Ireland to enter,ask who talk the most shite on here to run lol I'm sure you narrow it down to about 8 lol then run those 8 of in a comp and let lads maybe from eng pick there team.should be Thl Irish 6 against Thl eng 6 settle it then and that's it home and away everyone has a bit of crack you get bet ya get bet so what start again.if ya wanna pick from Ireland lot of lads I'd say would enter.i know what your saying captain but there is prob better dogs in ireland with lads that dont bother with the thl, so in m
  11. Would it not be just lads on here that run in it hardly going to ask the whole of Ireland to enter,ask who talk the most shite on here to run lol I'm sure you narrow it down to about 8 lol then run those 8 of in a comp and let lads maybe from eng pick there team.should be Thl Irish 6 against Thl eng 6 settle it then and that's it home and away everyone has a bit of crack you get bet ya get bet so what start again.if ya wanna pick from Ireland lot of lads I'd say would enter. i know what your saying captain but there is prob better dogs in ireland with lads that dont bother with the thl, so
  12. it be intresting to see what the english lads think of this
  13. if i start training now i be ready for winter
  14. lol not my style ben lilly, if the hare can get away best of luck to him he there to run again.
  15. i prob wouldnt make it ben lilly lol, but id enter the irish comp first and take it from there, that would be the fairest way to get the top 5 irish dogs that way every 1 has an equel chance
  16. id be delighted to enter for the craic, plus it would be great to see what good dogs are in ireland and england,
  17. best thing to do would be for to run an irish comp first and get the top 5 that way and the english do the same thing, then run irish vs english
  18. it would be great to see the top 5 irish dogs and the top 5 english dogs battle it out both sides of the pond it would put a lot of the shit to bed
  19. i heard she was a good 1 aswell captain, has he any dvds of her? that dog is that mickey r has is meant to be very good dog aswell looking forward to the winter to see him running, edmond keeps himself to himself I think don't think he brings a camera with him lol but I will ask he could have a few clips of her I thought she was a class bitch when I seen her run looked very clever and tight its not easy getting them on camera, im prob the worst camera man possible lol, have you seen mickey r dog running captain?
  20. i heard she was a good 1 aswell captain, has he any dvds of her? that dog is that mickey r has is meant to be very good dog aswell looking forward to the winter to see him running,
  21. she was a topper, you wont find many like her
  22. best of luck with them lads they should be good 1s
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