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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. this is to the lads that said my bitch was no good, i came on here last nite and just ansered a few questions and my bitch got crabbed for me telling the truth, so i have a first x saluki bitch no special breeding just bred off a greayhound bitch and il run her against these super dogs that ye talk about next november, louth tiger will put on the land it will be for no money just the craic and we shake hands after the match and they be no hard feelings
  2. fair play captain your putting the work in front of them thats what counts iv also heard very good things about the dvd bitch so hopefully she make a good 1 for you pal, i have no choice but to hunt in small fields iv 2 young kids and my wife works so i have to be at home a lot, but there must be sumting good about these small fields because i know lads that travel a long way to hunt these fields and theses bad hares so surely they would not be a test for a super dog or am i missing sumting?? ps my old bitch was not a world beater but she would put plenty of twisting and turning not run in a s
  3. if you judge a dog on seeing it run then why judge my bitch that you have not seen going? england is very diffrent to the west of ireland its like bringing a fen dog to these small fields it might not suit him or even the other way around bring a dog thats only good in these small thight fields to england he prob get blown away but would it mean that the dogs are no good?? its horses for courses pal,
  4. and it seems to me brazer your brain washed pal, your listening to too many tall tales
  5. templeking is a gentleman and im by no way saying anything bad about him or his dogs that man has prob forgotten more then il ever learn about dogs im simple saying that he was a collie x no super breding so how did he manage on big land and these single runs? it seens its 1 rule for 1 and another rule for another, its funny really
  6. why would you say that brazer? surely if you had a fast bitch but lacked stanima you would put a saluki x dog with bags of stanima to increse the wind? you must reamber its the west of ireland i hunt all small tight fields i have no use for a big amount of saluki in my dogs, iv always managed to kill plenty with dogs with no saluki or very little in them so why would i change.
  7. so that tanner dog must have been no good for big land and single handed runs because he was only collie x?? a good saluki x is far superier than any collie x or any other x for that matter only a fool would argue with that but we have seen plenty of saluki x with super breeding in them this year and id pick my old bitch over them any day, but to get back to the topic captain your bitch is a lovely animal and i wish you look with her your a genuine lad
  8. i totally agree banter most runs only last 2 mins in small tight fields, iv seen a good few dogs bred the same way kill plenty and all action runs which is what i like, but you cant win when there is no saluki its automatically no good,
  9. i bred them for field mice but they didnt have the speed lol, if im not mistaking there is a collie x back in the lucas dog a dog called tanner owned by templeking a good few year back??? but maby im rong i was told by g.w
  10. she was 3 quarter grey 1 collie, she was no world beater but for 2 mins she would give a hare plenty of stick she was perfect for tight fields which suited me at the time, but she be totally dismissed because there was no saluki in her, but sure what can you do.
  11. no captain pal iv seen 9 out of the 10 running and they wer useless, there is 1 i havent seen going captain maby the lad that has that 1 got lucky i dont know, they compleatly diffrent to your bitch, your bitch is a cracker pal hope she makes a good 1
  12. il try to get pictures up over the next day or 2 speedie
  13. sorry jacko2010 i didnt really get your meaning? im not great on these compters, no the pups i had wer no use, yes speedie there was wer 5 out of 10 hairy,
  14. nice bitch captain best of luck with her pal
  15. fair play tiger pal your not shy in putting up clips there some decent dogs in that, bella looked like a miller
  16. to be fair from what i know of the man that had jess he ran the brains out of her he would burn out a diesel engine lol
  17. iv seen 3 hours of footage of tiger he a very good dog plenty of twists and turns and he holds the heres in 1 field, he was a top class animal
  18. im just saying it like i see it, and yes i was going to shoot a 11 month and its a pity i didnt shoot it at birth ha ha it was useless, as for invites i have plenty to run where i am that suits me so stop trying to get off topic
  19. i dont think louth tiger was havein a dig at any 1, iv spoke to that that man manys a time and he never said a bad word about anyone, plus he goes out of his way to put on days for lads and this is the shit he gets,, ps his old dog tiger could run hares anywhere ire eng it didnt matter.
  20. fair play steven this should sort out the top dogs in the country.
  21. she is 26 inchs she is 2 years in a couple of days time she had a great season she didnt miss much and is a pleasure to hunt with, thanks jimmy10
  22. lovely pups steven pal the grisle 1 is a cracker
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