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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. lovely looking animals jimmy they in great shape, i like that brindle bitch she looks a cracker jimmy
  2. as far as i know captain he is the full brother to naily boys bitch fly, they are a good line of breeding them
  3. i seen a bitch with a cousin of mine in ballygar last friday it was meant to be out the dvd bitch and that white dog that garfield had, a nice little bitch
  4. good watch that speddie, they be a good cross for a lot of the slow types
  5. well said captain, sumtimes on here if your dog or bitch hasnt got certain breeding its automatically no good sad really the way some are.
  6. fair play to naily b. p bitch she top class i havent seen much better on dvd, also fair play captain you seem to be a lad to give credit where credit is due not many around like that.
  7. jf1970 stick to the lamping, in roscommon
  8. brazer i was going to forget all about it but when i came on here the other nite and simply ansered a few questions and i got attacked from all directions and was told that the reason the pups was no good was because my bitch was no good and bad breeding, so i taught it was time the truth was told, what is the reason all these other pups off these top class bitches came no good?? no dought some have made the grade but also have no dought a lot didnt make the grade, not just the pups out my bitch so what the reason for that why blame my bitch for them being no good??
  9. i said i wouldnt come on here again but its hard to sit back and see the lies being told, iv no problem with the mateing john was more than fair with me on that and il be honest enough to admit that, what my issue was he went around saying my bitch was no good he said that to at least 3 people so would ye call that a private conversation?? so there is no point trying to change the issue
  10. iv told no lies from day 1 iv tryed to be as honest as i could be i never seen any pics, why would i use a mans dog on my bitch and then run the dog down that wouldnt make much sence??, plus this topic was about my bitch being ran down its notting to do with pics, but iv had a good think about the whole thing last nite and im just going to forget about the entire situation, what has been said and done is not going to change now at this stage, my old bitch has passed on since this and i no longer have any of the pups so im going to put this all this down to a learning curve, so from here on in
  11. i dont mind you saying the pups have no wind, its the fact you said the bitch was no good even tho you never seen her going, if thats not crabbing then what is?? plus you said my bitch wouldnt chase a hare when you had her, that complete lies because you had her 2 days, and who would let a strange bitch loose after only 2 days, iv no dought you have been told lies about me and iv been told lies about you, but i take no notice to that noncence, its what i know to be true that bothers me
  12. il be honestt you wer fair in meeting me in manorhamilton weather you had other buissness there or not and you wer fair by holding her the 2 day and dropping her to balbriggan, i never had an issue with that part of things to be fare, but it was the fact the you let the dog line the bitch and then run her down to other lads, if you had an opinion on my bitch you could have told me that day straight out, if not you should have keeped your opinion to yourself, and if your honest john you will admit that part of it?? and as iv said if you admit that il shake your hand
  13. you never told me the pups have no wind, iv asked you john did i ever say my bitch had captains breeding?? now be honest and il be honest
  14. no i dont want a refund thats the gamble you take when you breed any litter, id be happy if he was man enough to admit the truth and say what really happened and we forget the whole situation.
  15. if your an honest man john and admit the truth that you wer wrong and that you did crab my bitch for no good reason, il shake your hand and we forget about.
  16. yes john il be honest greg did say you wer going to show him pics but he didnt bother looking because he trusted you, now you be honest john did i ever say that i had a bitch of captains breeding? and how long did you hold my bitch? you can lie all you want but at the end of the day you know the truth
  17. there was 2 lads with me that day john and they can verify what im saying, i knew you wer going to deny everything and try and make me out to be the bad guy because thats what you always do on here, but john you know your telling lies, you wer quick enough to put out your hand out for the money and then run off and crab the bitch, i have no reason to lie, it dosnt bother me that the pups wer no good because they not the first bad litter to be bred and they wont be the last, its the fact you went around running down my bitch after getting 400, just so you could sell pups of your own... thats pu
  18. i never got any pics of the dog covering the bitch, and the 10 pups my bitch had there be more saluki in a hamster then in any of them pups so why was that??
  19. john your a complusive lier you held my bitch for 2 days not 2 weeks, plus i never said i had a bitch with any captains breeding, you wer told that she was a 3 quarter greyhound collie from day 1, plus when i rang to arrange a meeting place for the mateing you said that you had to take a trip to manorhamilton to drop off a bitch to a lad so that would be the best place to meet, im begining to think you believe your own lies
  20. plus there is no point getting in to a slaging match because that is only a way of putting lads off a match, lets keep it nice and clean and have a run for the craic and let the dogs do the talking on the day, and for [NO TEXT TALK] ealse looking for a match go into the irish legends comp ye get plenty runs in that
  21. if ye read my posts ye will see im not trying to big up anything my bitch is notting to shout about and its not an open challenge im not into matching this was to the real dog men that was crabbing a bitch that they never seen going, and if ye look back at all my posts i never crabbed any mans dog, yes john we arrange it by pms we run next nov on tigers land and if you win i wish you the best of luck no hard feelings so no agressive pms you be getting me nervous lol,
  22. nov only a few months away, im not into matching but when you get people running your dogs down what can you do, im willing to have a match and show my bitch to the country when its recorded and if im beat il wish the other man the best of luck, thats it a fair match no crabbing dogs on the internet
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