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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. thanks jimmy10 hopefully they as good as the father, credit to you for breeding him, louth tiger hope your getting that spare room in the house ready for my hunting trips up next season lol and i like my tea with 2 sugars
  2. thanks pal, no im lucky enough no problems with dew claws at all
  3. icey the brown and white 1 is a bitch she out of a dog called juke which is the brother of smootie, john the farmer bred the mother a lemon white bitch called chanell
  4. thanks paddy, the mother is first x saluki greyhound and the father is steven kelly dog tiger, jimmy sweeney bred him, its a long wait for pups but what can you do
  5. The bitch be well ready for the coming season not much English in them pups might not suit some people what you think of red and white owen? can you see irish lady in her
  6. thanks lads hopefully they be lucky and il get a champ out of them lol
  7. well on that note bm everyone has the right to there taughts and if a man has good dogs or good breeding he or she is intitled to there oppion just remember if its just serious talk and no crack wouldent it be very boreing site very true paddy its all a bit of sport and craic atb
  8. pups wer 6 weeks old in that pic speedie they 8 weeks old now thanks lads for good comments
  9. here a few pic of tigers pups out of my first x bitch..... . also a bitch that 18 months old that is of irish lady line ........... atb bannerman
  10. your right captain if any mans dog runs well regardless who they are they deserve credit, and to be fair you 1 of the fairest lads on here when it comes to dogs, but to be fair its not just speedie on here thats sees what he wants to see, there is a few on here that only praise there own dogs and there friends dogs or dogs thats got there breeding in them now if thats no being biased what is?? not meaning you captain of course but its common on here...now that my rant is over lol i also think yourself and speedie should shake hands and clean the slate life 2 short to be rowing over dogs pal
  11. fair play lads best of luck to both of ye, what dogs is running
  12. credit where credit is due ye try your best to put on a good day il get ye down next season to sum nice lands back west clare near the sea nice few longears try get ye a good day out, have you the run of your young bringle dog you got the day we wer up?? great race it was
  13. that was a great day louth tiger we had with yourself and tommy sum good races
  14. nice pups banter lovely colours best of luck with them
  15. they must be gone a stray captain, iv sent a copy to jimmy10 today when he gets them he make you a copy
  16. well why did you not put an irish terrier on your bitch instead of a full saluki i didnt breed my bitch mucky paws j.s from dunmore bred her, plus i think your getting the point im makeing wrong, the point i was makeing is there is good dogs and good hares in england and ireland, it cant all be about english hares and english dogs surely they good both sides of the pound, thats just my opinion maby yours is diffrent thats what life all about diffrent opinions atb
  17. was that when you won the comp steven??? tiger was in good shape there lovely animal
  18. K.C if you come to Ireland in the winter time when the hares are able to run il bring you to a place and il give yea 100 eueo for every hare yer dog kills.NOT SMALL FIELDS ALL BIG SEEDED GROUND AND PARK IN THE FARMERS YARD . if I was running a match it would be ted that I would run anyone that seen him run and knows anything about a dog will tell yea hes the best I have by a mile :laugh:EDITED TO SAY UNLESS LADY IMPROVES ALOT she wont be 2 until September The Fens Flyer will be coming,make sure you bring a satchel of lower was that when you won the comp steven?? tiger was in goo
  19. nice looking bitch that nice bitch that 1, looks like a good set up you have for the dogs speedie
  20. Did anyone on here ever make this mistake???????? what that speedie about the little danceing dog?? i dont get it
  21. so brendy every running dog in ireland has english breeding??? ffs lads ye cant be serious there was heaps of good irish terrier x dog plenty good in this country, next il be hearing its not irish terrier its english terrier lol
  22. so your saying iceman that no irish bred dog has enough lungs for ireland???
  23. the hares in my opinion from mid nov to end of feb are good, but i dont agree that a dog has to have certain breeding to be good if that was the case everyone would have good dogs, yes john your entitled to your opinion same as any 1 ealse so if thats what a dog has to do in your view than thats fair enough. we leave it at that
  24. it be also intresting to know if all the good english dogs down the years such as blondie lucky dark destroyer feattle nipper ect came back to run ireland once a month for 6 seasons??? unless its just me but all this sounds a bit crazy, surely if your liveing in england and your dog killing on a regular basis and winning competions then its a good dog, same as your liveing in ireland and dog killing on a regular basis it also a good dog
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