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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. no point in all the talking best thing to do is put the names forward make the matches and just run and get it done and dusted, as for the south lads avoiding the english lads put yer names forward and there be plenty of men to match yewill You go to the big land in England to match bum man LOLwould you match here in ireland where your living makatack???????????????????????????yesil have a match with you ratatack same day as steven running gorger, pick your date and stick to it dont go hideing, no never ran england iv no need iv loads of hares to run in your county lolya i seen that doubled up
  2. no point in all the talking best thing to do is put the names forward make the matches and just run and get it done and dusted, as for the south lads avoiding the english lads put yer names forward and there be plenty of men to match yewill You go to the big land in England to match bum man LOLwould you match here in ireland where your living makatack???????????????????????????yes il have a match with you ratatack same day as steven running gorger, pick your date and stick to it dont go hideing, no never ran england iv no need iv loads of hares to run in your county lol
  3. plenty good hares and good land here in ire, there might be 2 many gates for some dogsnot in Clare you never left cork makatack you wouldnt know a dog if he bit you in the balls
  4. no point in all the talking best thing to do is put the names forward make the matches and just run and get it done and dusted, as for the south lads avoiding the english lads put yer names forward and there be plenty of men to match yewill You go to the big land in England to match bum man LOL would you match here in ireland where your living makatack???????????????????????????
  5. plenty good hares and good land here in ire, there might be 2 many gates for some dogs
  6. no point in all the talking best thing to do is put the names forward make the matches and just run and get it done and dusted, as for the south lads avoiding the english lads put yer names forward and there be plenty of men to match ye
  7. who said it was december makatack???, as matter of fact no 1 has even said its even on??? no sign of any team sheet yet, are you going running in it makatack?
  8. gorgers best dog man in ireland templeking 2nd tommy c 3rd kc your a gas man you sure make me laugh lloyds got best dogs in the south and is the best dog man by far fair play kc keep comeing with 1 liners like that you could be the next tommy tiernan
  9. gorgers best dog man in ireland templeking 2nd tommy c 3rd kc your a gas man you sure make me laugh
  10. did you get your curry for the night louth tiger?? who is running who in the comp??
  11. l.t put my name forward this morning and i told him il gladly run But you wernt mention in tiger first post as far as I read 7 mention I just like to know who is picked to run or can anyone throw there name forward ??????? if you look back percho l.t put 6 names forward in his first post then he put my name and johnny kelly names forward if they wanted 8 rather than 6, not sure who ealse is running
  12. l.t put my name forward this morning and i told him il gladly run
  13. il be running with the south lads that day steven kelly tommy maughan jimmy sweeney erick ward johnny kelly brian neven, 200 each sounds good to me
  14. il gladly enter il run any dog no problem, it be a bit of fun we make a dvd of it get it on your been framed lol
  15. gods of coursing lol iv heard it all now
  16. your right banner man she must have produced good stuff cause most of the north are irish lady boys to be fair wedgy i think most of ireland and a lot of england has irish lady blood
  17. as far as i know p king bred her, then speedy had her for a while, she produced good offspring
  18. very true iceman 500 not a big lot between a few friends but thats not the point, its all the hype and lies to get 500 thats the point, have you ever read on here about any of these stud dogs haveing a bad day?? or as i said before did you ever hear about a hare straight lineing these dogs?? the answer is no so why is that or if they jacked would we ever hear about it ???
  19. in my opinion it dosent matter how bad you need money you dont sting lads for big stud fees, and of course it boils down to the man paying the money so thats where the hype and lies come in because for exampal if a lad says my dog ran 3 today and killed notting and ran 3 the week after and killed 1 and then theres another super dog killing 3 out 3, 5 out 5 the week after ect which dog is lads going to want the service of??, so its clear to me why dogs are talked about a hell of a lot more than bitches MONEY, all this of course is only in my opinion i could be wrong
  20. real good dogs or bitches are very slim on the ground and its going to get worse by the looks of things, there is 2 many people in the game for either money or bragging rights which is why a lot of lies are told, you never here of the days that the hare straight lined a dog its always big numbers to impress people looking on, and ontill people stop believeing the hype then the lies will continue, as for bitches or dogs being talked about its clear why dogs in general are talked about more MONEY
  21. nice racey looking bitch jimmy she looks a fast type
  22. fair play captain all them dogs in great condition, the beach is a great place to get them fit
  23. they are fine looking animals all in top condition fair play to tommy, that charlie dog is a cracker
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