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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. if we look back 15 20 years ago there was a lot of dogs in ireland well able to run hares philip k was breeding loads that could run and kills hares some better than others, now compare it to the dogs in ireland today how many dogs out there can genuinely run a good winter hare???? i for 1 have not seen many to be honest i could count them in 1 hand and im talking about the dogs i seen in the flesh and on dvds so whats gone wrong????
  2. hares didnt get any faster the dirtbags of dogs got slower because they way there breeding them
  3. Non whatsoever , there has been a couple of litters bred in the last three years ,most were rubbish burners the rest were second rate ,as are most first crosses ! We are past this ,thats why they dont get bred! A saluki to a Lurcher is a different story . maby saluki lurcher suits england better but the way most dogs are running here in ireland at the moment they need a serious injection of speed, just my opinion
  4. Banner you bitch is half Saulki and the pups how much do you think will be in them.Its not just the wind the saulki brings but the recovery rate and the runs it can take.If you think that hare has not got better as the years have went on you need your head looked at.Any way everyone as there own option. LT any more runs off the pups??? yes icey she half saluki but she also half greyhound thats why she fast enough, tiger is 1 quarter saluki so pups will be just over quarter saluki, lads if we are all honest with ourselfs ireland is full with saluki x lurchers and how many of them are proper
  5. in my view theres 2 much saluki in a lot of the irish bred dogs they lack that early pace that you need for ireland, theres a few that can do it but very few, in the last 5 year iv seen heaps of saluki x dogs run here in ireland in the flesh and in dvds and to be honest most of them just not good enough, a little bit in a dog is fine it def gives a bit extra wind but only a bit, thats just my opinion
  6. id pick judy bitch that old john kelly in ireland owned real fast action bitch just my style of dog
  7. very true you have to breed for where you hunt
  8. very true iceman them numbers are hard to do in ireland, in my opinion if you go to louth,kildare,carlow,cork places like that with big open land in month of december/january and give a hare fair play it will take a good animal to kill 2 out 3
  9. well captain have you any more pics of the red and white 1 thats there she looks like a nice bitch
  10. these wonder dogs are not out there or they never were, but theres plenty of con men out there telling lies full time to try make money off young lads that believe the hype, if you have a dog that can run a good winter hare and hold him in 1 field for 20 turns weather they kill or not you have a good animal thats my opinion, ps captain you little red dog is a hell of a lot better than the hero,s we hear about, best of luck with him for next season he be a lot better
  11. nice young bitch bie e best of luck with her in the future pal
  12. fair play steven pal tiger is trowing good pups i always knew he would produce good stock, he is a good dog himself with competion winners in his line
  13. fair play to louth tiger and tommy they always put on a good days hunting
  14. 1 bitch is 25 inchs, the other is 26, the dog pups are all between 26 and 27 inchs big strong dogs
  15. that max is a lovely dog and can do the job, ye done well to kill them on that kind of land its not easy, my pups are flying it my nephews 1 killed another hare today he is over the moon with him, hows your pup out tiger doing?
  16. ya there not easy to get but hopefully these 1s will be the 1s to watch next season
  17. thats great going for a 10 month old dog pup, adult dogs are still finding it hard to kill hares
  18. bannerman did you bred the mother to these pups no hairydog i bought her at 8 weeks old
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