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banner man

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Everything posted by banner man

  1. almost every 1 in ireland and a good lot in eng has philip kings breeding in there yard,
  2. it seems if you want a good dog these you need get him talked about on the internet and he a machine in no time lol
  3. in my opinion brendy 1 of the main things you need is early pace because as you know the minute the hare gets up he gone for a gate or headge so you need that hare turned straight away for it to become a good hunt, so early pace, good in cover, tight turning, and good killer..
  4. some good points lads, but what im saying is if we look at the likes of foxy for example she ran 6 seasons and won 50 plus matches and then produced very good offspring now thats a top class animal, what level does a hare dog have to make to be considered top class?? would ye call say a dog or bitch that ran for 1 or 2 seasons good??
  5. not haveing any digs iceman just saying what i see
  6. i was talking to a lad recently and he started telling me about a great bitch he had and after about an hour of hypeing this bitch to the sky he then told me she only lasted 1 season and she was finished, so this got me thinking on what lads consider a good hare dog, so come on lads whats yer view on this whats makes a good dog? how many seasons does it have to last? should it be matched? what breeding does it need to be? where should it be tested eng or ire? ect ect ???
  7. iceman i didnt mention lucas or any dog for that matter, i was pointing out how quiet the site was for dec/jan and its getting busy again thats a fact, as for people been out hunting all winter i was out 3 days a week all winter and i still had a bit of time to come on here, as for dvds iceman your dead right you only see what the owner wants you to see i only believe what i see with my own eyes because theres notting around only con men trying to catch young lads for a few quid
  8. the place will be full of good dogs now ontill end of october then it will be
  9. this is the time of year all the heros appear both dogs and men, they recovered from winter flue
  10. its good to see the site getting busy again it was nearly closed down last dec/ jan only for louth tiger with his clips, i taught a lot of our members wer gone in to lamping as they wer no where to be seen ​
  11. greg fagen has a very good fast action dog great killer louth tiger seen him running contact him and he tell you all about him, have you any clips of him steven??
  12. he looked a good dog alright and looks like he will produce good stock, how is he bred??
  13. you need that speed for ireland, these plodders no good in tight land
  14. i must have got it wrong, he a nice dog whats his full breeding captain?
  15. fair play brendy thats a good decent offer
  16. good clips again as always louth tiger are you going on the beer tonight??
  17. a friend of mine has a good dog called max very fast action dog, captain seen him running
  18. Couldn't agree more both Baw and Banner man would have a great debate about salukis and may I add Hounddog3 that both your experience and knowledge are vital to this topic the debate was about dogs for IRELAND NOT ENGLAND so what do you know of irish hare coursing to be makeing comments?? i live and hunt here in IRELAND all my life so i think im in a better position to give an opinion, so stop digging a hole for yourself and drink your beer ps im off to bed iv an early start in the morning im off out killing a few these bad irish hares with my pups
  19. fair play to yourself captain and to the select few that did put up clips, well done
  20. , any more clips louth tiger it be a bit of entertainment for the night no point asking any 1 ealse for clips there dogs are camera shy
  21. brazer when that nurse comes along you might ask her to bring the eye doctor for yourself, where did i say i used a pure saluki?? i bought a first x saluki greyhound as a pup and she has worked out with enough speed now im guessing that might have sumting to do with the greyhound, plus the fact is if there was a good line of saluki lurcher here in ireland that had enough speed that i would have bought 1 of them insteed??? simple reason is i havent seen them and iv seen plenty dogs run here in ireland, ps before you go makeing statements you should come to ireland and see these dogs runfor your
  22. Where l say you need to run the fen not joking you have not got a clue.Read what l wrote.Am saying hares got that good the collie and deerhound cross could not handle running them week in week out 2/3 a week.Bannerman there lots men that can kill winter hares just be cause you have not seen them does not mean there not here. maby there is icey but i havent seen many, if you get any dvds of these dogs id love to see them
  23. brazer when that nurse comes along you might ask her to bring the eye doctor for yourself, where did i say i used a pure saluki?? i bought a first x saluki greyhound as a pup and she has worked out with enough speed now im guessing that might have sumting to do with the greyhound, plus the fact is if there was a good line of saluki lurcher here in ireland that had enough speed that i would have bought 1 of them insteed??? simple reason is i havent seen them and iv seen plenty dogs run here in ireland, ps before you go makeing statements you should come to ireland and see these dogs runfor your
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