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Everything posted by IN SLIPS

  1. Your right bud. This was twenty odd years ago when there was not as many saluki crosses about but this dog did take hares week in week out!
  2. There is a picture of this dog in darcys new book its K Halls Sunny a red dog!
  3. Always like the look of the cream bitch, she has some cheat on her!
  4. Anyone who is out there regular slipping the dog will know you cant beat a bit of flat band slipped through dogs collar, forget all the fancy things what look good!
  5. He suppose have a real un use be my mates Jackos no lucky breeding in her killed 3 from 3 today boozer said 1 of best he as seen Is this same one he bought of mark at howden?
  6. He learns them to sit in the basket on the quad from pups so they dont run everywhere, but they run a fair bit and he says there fine.
  7. Was only joking pal. Sounds good idea my mate would not be without his for same reason. atb in slips
  8. You will be getting a treadmill next to save walking them My mate uses a farm quad and the dog sits on the basket
  9. Just get yourself a well bred coursing pup.Rear it well and watch it learn its game, when it starts catching thats all you will want to watch and forget the bird.
  10. Looking good pal, whats the breeding?
  11. When i see lamp and hares in the same sentance it makes me kringe
  12. what you after mate daytime dog, lamp dog, ferreting dog etc or a allrounder f--k me do you need a dog for every occasion no but if hes after a serious day dog all your bunnie bashing dogs wont cut the mustard will they
  13. what you after mate daytime dog, lamp dog, ferreting dog etc
  14. Rubbish,walking does much more than just getting the dog into shape for its work in the field,so many think that a dog can be taken out of its kennel and worked to its potential,a dog thats strengthened with road walk,getting its feet, muscles, tendons and nails into suitable shape,will fare better and longer when the time arises,a dog that is,nt prepared properly for the task at hand is more prone to injury,usually muscles,feet and tendons. Your right in what your saying for before there running fit and pre season but once you have them running fit and they stay injury free nothing is no wh
  15. You could walk them as many miles as you wanted per week but 1 run on long ears will do alot more. When mine are running twice a week they dont do much between apart from quickly stretch there legs, resting is just as important when running regular
  16. already got his number, cheers anyway, how's ur dads pups doin ? There doing sound,6 week old now
  17. Its a tablet yes, not sure how long before they due in season you need to give them it but i reckon it will before they start bleeding yes.
  18. Fellow who i was talking gets his from Richard Tore the greyhound vet, i can pm you his number if you want it fens?
  19. Was only talking about this yeasterday to someone who has done a fair bit of research on it and also being using it for a few years now. Durateston was what he reccomended, but i am sure all bitches will agree differently with them.
  20. That 1st hare is massive It was one of them old wise ones what waites for the dog and properly takes it on! and loses Obviously that one did yes, thats what makes it more memorable because alot of them ones get away.
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