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Everything posted by johnharris

  1. that wood do mate how much and location
  2. After smoker made from strummer or chainsaw engine. Good money paid
  3. Carl it will take you 3 years to catch 150 lol
  4. more boar than deer there now mate lolI've not seen much boar round monmouth,I haven't lived in the forest since 2010,live in monmouth now But yes plenty over the wye in the forest of doom lol I never go around Monmouth I have permission in Tewkesbury Evesham and Stratford so only went through there on way home. I've some decent numbers on my permissions but most of it is keeperd so not getting poached too much ........I hope
  5. Coming home from lamping last night and got pulled by the police in Monmouth, checked the truck all ok then asked what guns I had ( I am SGC and FAC holder), when I explained I only had 2 dogs and that we had been rabbiting on permission, showed him the text I sent to the farmer telling him I was on his land and the reply saying that it was ok He then went on to tell me I had broken the law and he could arrest me !! When I asked why he said " you have told me you do not have a firearm with you and in the hunting act it says that if you pursue any animal with a dog you must humanely dispa
  6. just seen this, they look cracking little rabbiting dogs hope they do the job
  7. ive an old russell dog here who will do it, brilliant fun
  8. I use one a lot and find it good for rabbits at up to 50 yds not much good for anything further than that
  9. I had a 53 plate petrol for 3 years and never spent a penny on it my mate had it off me and he hasnt had any problems with it, I olny got rid because I needed a pick up
  10. Heritage, thanks for the advice I can see how it would work. I will try to source one
  11. I've just bought a ford ranger with a truckman back and fancied cutting ah act in the roof to shoot from. Have any of you done something similar, how did you do it and what did you use to seal edges of hatch Any help would be good
  12. Thanks mate I will have a look
  13. Thanks for the help and advice lol
  14. gutted I just paid £50 quid for the same thing
  15. Hello Ive got £1000 to spend on nightvision, it will only be on my 22 rim and mostly for shooting rabbits but I will alos have the odd time where I need to put it on a 223 . What would you guys recommend
  16. I have the same problem ive got £1000 to spend but not sure what to get
  17. Mate its a pain in the arse to do the money this site generates you would think they would come up with a simpler system
  18. Nice to see someone working them but if you gonna have them keep them properly,
  19. Can I ask what camera outfit you use, pictures are always excellent
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