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Everything posted by johnharris

  1. put some decent locks on it, I had a latch like that on a hutch a few years ago and they managed to push it down and got out, luckily they couldnt get out of the shed they were in but could have lost the lot, looks cracking though mate
  2. mine are in a small hutch for the first 6 months so they are handled every day, once they are easy to handle and come to you they then go into a run with my other ferrets so get to play through pipes and tubes. I never use them for working until at least a year old. If you enter them too early and they get a good kicking off a big rabbit it can spoil a good ferret. As said in a previous post if they are from working stock they usually enter themselves
  3. gain all the way with minced chicken
  4. This guy is a proper muppet fair play. find the dog you just bought a good home then take up fishing or playing with traffic
  5. One white hob kit available 12 weeks old, working parents out of a litter of 4 keeping the other 3 as they are gills £5 Im in Blackwood in Gwent Thanks
  6. I am not selling for him I am directing people to his website, did you want to buy a pup or are you just bored
  7. Advertising for a friend, litter of working cockers. more info go to www.corbettscockers.com. Please dont PM me on this as I know nothing about them. All info and contact details on website Thanks
  8. some people have way too much time on their hands
  9. I just bought an 07 plate renault traffic and i want to bulid some boxes in the back for the dogs. I have lurchers and terriers. I use it for lamping and ferreting and can have up to 6 dogs in there betwen mine and my mates. I just wondered if any of you had ever built in terrier boxes or lurcher boxes and how best to lay it out any pics would be great Thanks
  10. looking for a striker, blitz or similar, must be excellent condition and local if poss
  11. the most hares ive seen in south wales is on my chest lol
  12. I have a chance to buy an 07 plate traffic very cheap through work, 1 owner and never carried any weight. This van drives like a new car and I plan to use it for lamping and ferreting. Have any of you ever used one and are they any good. Also what are they like on fuel
  13. I have permission on a new farn that has a lot of rabbits and too many holes to use purse nets. I wondered if someone fancied coming along to do a bit with a longnet, I have never used one so it would be a bit of a training exercise for me . I have ferrets, locator,,transport etc If anyone fancies it PM me as I dont get on here much Cheers
  14. i just looked and the Newport one has vanished lol maybe one of us on here got lucky
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