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Everything posted by DominicEckstein

  1. Well to me they all look like Ceps its one of the joys of mushrroms they share charictaristics but very in shape and colour hugely even if they are the same species. I have eaten and cooked many different types from the well known such as truffels morels and girolles to the crazy to strage things as brain fungus and lions main fungus. i would deffinately recommend treating your self to a wild mushroom picking course wil be my brother runs a web site called mushroomdiaries.com message him your pics im sure he will have an idea for you, and if you need any recipes drop me a line i can hook you
  2. Hey fella now i have a slighty different method i like to layer the flavours with a touch of spice and also add an amount of damsons to improve colour the additional tannins in damsons will add a much richer pink hue 1ltr of cheap gin 500g sloes 400g damsons 3 star anise 12 black pepper corns 1/4 of a cinimon stick 2 feathers of blade mace 750g unrefined caster sugar place sloes in the freezer once frozen place in a thick freezer bag and smash with a rolling pin, this helps the juice extract and is much easier then pricking each individually. Remove stones from the damsons an
  3. That would of been the Maid Marion its now called Laurney's and from what i can tell has changed rather a lot, we are almost neighbours haha as im at the Forest Lodge.
  4. Hey guys thanks for for say hi Yeah pretty much use anything, a lot off rabbit, pigeon, pheasant and partridge. I have also been trying for 3 yrs now to get rooks when they are in season but never to any avail. Its funny but last year i had more game then i could point a stick at but this year is the polar opposite many of the people who went lamping or ferriting for rabbits just dont seem to hav the time to actually get out i ended up purchasing farmed Belgium rabbit at over £6 a kilo last week which is just ridiculous. I will keep plugging away looking for good reliable sources of the qu
  5. Hi there everyone, Im the chef running the kitchens at a restaurant in Edwinstowe Notts. I am basically looking for a supply of various seasonal game. I already buy dirctly from some shoots and game keepers but demand is high and the poor quality and ridiculous prices charged b some of the local butchers and game dealers is crazy. Drop me a line if i you can be any help all the best Dominic
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