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Everything posted by BOSCO 90

  1. jesus Craigy how'd you escape the lower sections
  2. great to see the next generation coming threw
  3. seen c*nts gurn getting through a black thorn ditch , that sorts the men out from the boys
  4. seem to be the job . thanks for the info
  5. BOSCO 90

    fifa 12

    anyone else having problems playing this game anytime i go to pass the ball or shoot, the ball ends up in the stand ffs and players just seem to drop to the ground in agony for no apparent reason , my to young lads are coping better though
  6. HEAVEN FORBID, HOPE YOUR NOT SUGESTING I LET THE OTHER HAVE A LOOK AT THE END. NO PUP YOUR [bANNED TEXT]. edit your initial posts with a bit more clarity then for christ sake , or just say you double your dogs up ..
  7. DOGS are hit , you clearly stated one dog to ground and no mention of working a pup
  8. not knocking anyone but dogs ARE clearly hit on noses ,blood isnt from ragging a dead fox jmho
  9. because he had already tried a few earths a decided to choose that dog when the landed on the earth..... jaysus some people dont read they just wana hate tut tut both marked
  10. thinking that myself , cracking fox by the way
  11. has hurricane bawbag hit yet lol:)

    1. IanB


      Its son of bawbag, bawbags been and gone..

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