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Everything posted by BOSCO 90

  1. REST IN PEACE NELSON Your now in the land of the martyrs
  2. 40 quid on a lead or collar.. your a rich hippy JAI.. lol Think a pair of terrier couples etc are 40 quid from ss. Not that much if your dogs are out a lot. I spent 20 quid on a collar for mine, and if he wears it for ten years, thats 2 quid a year. . . . . . . 40 quid for a pair of couples
  3. 40 quid on a lead or collar.. your a rich hippy JAI.. lol
  4. love the way you get your dogs to pose like that my feckers would be bouncing all over the show
  5. ....and its all kicking off now ... long runs the fox...ha ha

  6. seen many a terrier passed on at this age because of similar reasons only to turn out great workers at 3 , 3,1/2 ,years old ., so sometimes its worth sticking it out a bit longer
  7. mines 8 year old and its never annoyed him
  8. have a hob here 8 year old he bolted 7 rabbits sunday last
  9. great pic liam ,,, some dress sense in and around county Laois back then :laugh:
  10. :lol: too fuking right LD some clowns on here :lol:
  11. agree with you milett , but i dont think its write allowing your dogs to foul the local kiddies park. jmho
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