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Everything posted by topscaff1

  1. Hi all I don't know so I am asking how do I go about getting a FAC licence what do I need besides filling out the form, do I need so much land or land owners permision, I have a shootgun licence but there is a bit more to it to get a FAC licence, thanks Mike
  2. Hi All I am looking to buy a Labrador pup early next year could anyone recommend any breeders in the Wales area please, thanks, Mike
  3. Hi all just bringing this back to the top, I would consider dog or bitch, or if anyone could give me some contact details for breeders it would be much appreciated, thanks mike
  4. Thanks for getting back to me buy why not any info on this and can you recommend anyone please, thanks Mike
  5. Hi all I am looking for a Labrador pup from working stock, I will be looking to take the dog in Febuary due to other commitments, I will be looking to train this dog myself ( First time but looking forward to it) so six months or below would be nice, and the cheaper the better as I'm not a millionaire, unless I win the Lotto tonite thanks Mike
  6. Okay thanks for all your replies, Mike
  7. Hi where is the best & cheapest place online to buy a new air rifle please, thanks in advance, Mike
  8. Thanks fantastic, one day may be have to learn a lot more yet, thanks, Mike
  9. Fantastic, please excuse my ignorance new to this but how do you manage to film the shots? is it a special scope with a camera built in? thanks Mike
  10. Hi all I am looking for a good DVD on training a Labrador for the gun anyone got any too sell or recommend please, thanks Mike.
  11. Hi I would like to try and add a photo from Photobucket to my avatar how do I go about this please, Mike
  12. Thanks all it will be a Lab I think, I will be thinking about getting a pup around Febuary and training it through the year ready for the following season, I have trained dogs before but only for the lamp, could anyone recommend a good DVD to get as I can't sit down and read a book I get bored to quick , also any recommendations on where to purchase a pup from, the price would matter as I don't have a lot to spend but I don't want rubbish either so if I had to wait a little longer to save up that is what I would do, thanks for your replies, Mike
  13. Thanks for your replies I was thinking you might go with a Lab but was kind of hoping you would have said a springer as I have a soft spot for them what about a Clumber spaniel I don't know anything about them just wondered, what about prices for a pup of any of the above, a lot of questions I know sorry, thanks
  14. Hi I'm pretty new to this game so I was wondering which would be the best dog for all round shooting but mainly wild fowling, something that could manage a Mallard to Goose, I would be looking to get this dog around Febuary and have ago at training it myself thanks in advance, mike.
  15. Hi all I have had guns most of my life air guns and shotguns but I haven't done much shooting so to speak, I am looking to do a bit of wildfowling and pidgeon shooting not much experince, so I will be asking a few questions in the coming future, I was in the army and had quite a bit of small arms training but no experince in hunting, its nice to meet you all, Mike.
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