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72line per

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Everything posted by 72line per

  1. it was made on a lathe. cost for parts about £200 .the image you get is mutch better than the footage
  2. just made a night vision unit. don't know how to put pitchers on here but its on youtube under b4ger731
  3. you can talk to him you never know . if you wont is number pm me
  4. mate selling a snipercam he wonts £375 for it
  5. go and have a look at the footage i just put on youtube its from a home build .under b4ger731
  6. yes thats it i have just bought a screen this morning as the price is good . ebay itam number is 121149253565 or if you arnt botherd about hd in the day time buy this one as it records the same at night as the hdvr unit. itam number is 261391670741 as for the camera why not use the e700 as its a better camera .
  7. NIGHT HUNTER FOR EVERY ACTION THEY SAY THERES GOING TO BE A REACTION. well here's mine .film showing the sniper cam parts and where to get them . its on youtube under b4ger731 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_UOA7FnMQw
  8. mamba lite side parallax or the ags if you can get one
  9. this is the unit i tuck to nite hunter 2 years ago for him to make. but he wanted to go with something cheaper which he did . i have had a watec unit for years its an out and out foxing unit . nite hunters unit cart live with it. if he's honest with you he would tell you the same .but it not that cheep to make Watec camera's are a bit dated now mate things have moved on a little. E700 is what you'll be wanting if you dont mind a bit more work to get your NV unit put together. Watecs are perfect for plug and play 200+ yards with the right IR. if foxing is what you want then you'll not
  10. this is the unit i tuck to nite hunter 2 years ago for him to make. but he wanted to go with something cheaper which he did . i have had a watec unit for years its an out and out foxing unit . nite hunters unit cart live with it. if he's honest with you he would tell you the same .but it not that cheep to make Watec camera's are a bit dated now mate things have moved on a little. E700 is what you'll be wanting if you dont mind a bit more work to get your NV unit put together. Watecs are perfect for plug and play 200+ yards with the right IR. if foxing is what you want then you'll not
  11. this is the unit i tuck to nite hunter 2 years ago for him to make. but he wanted to go with something cheaper which he did . i have had a watec unit for years its an out and out foxing unit . nite hunters unit cart live with it. if he's honest with you he would tell you the same .but it not that cheep to make
  12. i have made a watec unit for the gun and a watec spotter. can't put pitchers on here as i don't know how .but if you go on you tube under b4ger731 i have just put some film of the unit on there
  13. iv not phoned I emailed him and got the reply I wanted can you say more why your going court with him I no he likes a drink or two but like I say he's been ok with me. ]. I sent goods back that did not work but no money back from him you should see the txt,s that I got from him foul is not in it , do not buy from this man if you it's at your own risk you have been warned all true i should know. i have been at night hunters and the phone rings non stop . he wont pick up and yes he ows him 450 pounds and wont pay
  14. ring this number 07928846597 hes may have got what you wont
  15. i have made a digi unit using a watec camera. i whent out ratting with it last night. i have put the footage up on you tube under b4ger731. go have i look and see [BANNED TEXT] you think
  16. just put some film up using the nightvision camera off ebay. shooting rabbits and rats. if you want to see the film its under b4ger731 on youtube. and no its not me selling them
  17. very nice mate good end to the night
  18. i have had 3 people ring me in the last week wanting to order the sniper cam as antony won't answer his emails or is phone. . wots the point showing what the sniper cam can do if you can't contact him. i give up. the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off
  19. sony camcorder 3x lens or ebay. there very good i used one on my pvs14 for years
  20. But the night master with the mount is another £220 and the N550 is 10 times better with the night master as well. The footage with the inboard Ir is not any way better than the N550, in fact not even close IMO absolute rip off totally agree has its own ir is 780nm which will throw a red beam similar to a red lamp at airgun range
  21. i found some footage from a few years ago. using a sony camcorder shooting rats. even found the footage shooting 120 wood pigeons its under. b4ger731 hope you like it also theres some footage under shootervermin of nite hunters new ir and truck cam
  22. we tried that one not very good it gave a very hazy image. something to do with the lens thats on it i think but he did take it back so lost nowt
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