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About uncle-silas

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Hi All, im after a bit of help in getting hold of David Mercer for one of his sound moderators and so far ive had no joy with google ! Any Contact details or a pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated . Thanks Jes
  2. Thanks cookey, thats been one of the most helpful forum replies ive had in ages, ill see how i go
  3. Cheers Gram , im going to give it a clean and see what comes out !!!
  4. Hi Guys, im not usually on this part of the forum but help is needed !! ive just stripped my ruger 10 22 and had my first proper look down the barrel only to see that there is hardly any rifling, i know some guns don't have defined rifling but is the ruger one of them ?, my groupings seemed ok (not brilliant) on my last zero ?? any knowledge gratefully received ! Cheers Chaps Jes
  5. Alright chaps, whats the law concerning hunting with dogs ?
  6. Where abouts are you bud ? nice pups !
  7. could you message me any info, Norfolks quite a trek but if its the right pup !
  8. they are good dogs i have two bang on buny dogs carnt go wrong with them. this is father and son Handsome looking dogs mate !
  9. i have heard that a bit of greyhound can give you stamina and the top end pace, copletely open to that one !
  10. cheers lads ! they are pefick for rabbits !
  11. Cheers you lot ! After all the advice from the forum and spending a bit of time working a few friends mixes Ive decided to get my first coursing dog, im after a bedlington x whippet, anyone expecting to have any litters or point me in the direction of anyone that might would be well appreciated ! Also if you have this mix it would be nice to see some pics ! Cheers Jes
  12. It looks like a deer hound with the frame and size of a greyhound / saluki
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