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About legacy2.5

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 27/11/1987

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Shooting, fishing, running dogs, terriers,
  1. @rossboi, your a [BANNED TEXT] creature!! what a question!!
  2. Ye i no what ye mean like i say not summat i'd do but each t the own i suppose??
  3. I no what u mean, gumtree, the source of som bad things like, to me if u had a 100% terrier you woudn't get rid apart from some genuine ones but bt many of them kicking about
  4. not quite sure what u mean mate as hes on about saving money over the summer months, i maybe misunderstood ye?? its nt something i'd do like baffles me abit?? atb Mike
  5. Good stuff thats the key not sickening them, am sure theyl do well for ye;) atb Mike
  6. Getting on abit then, you not bringing anything on?
  7. Cheers pal, still abit unsure yet as havent tried him properly but whateva happens happens, have yours seen much??
  8. If he gets there he gets there!! what is he tts?? atb Mike
  9. First un looks like its had sum graft looks a good strong dog, last two are nice dogs has the last one seen much?? atb Mike
  10. Nice bunch their, but that marked up red dogs a bruiser
  11. Cheers lads am hopin he does the business, only next season will tell, couple of pics of your dogs would be nice, atb Mike
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