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Everything posted by spot.me.in.the.dark

  1. you have writen them on the bottom of the box.... they will all be upside down hahaha
  2. i know a good mate of mine who met his wife when she was poaching his snares!! honest to god
  3. i shoot with the meteor and the hw 95 but previously ovned the syntarg( which i gave away to a mate)... they are all springers and all yood enough for hunting.. i also shot a xs79 for a while which was just as good .. most air rifles above the 100 pound range are suitable for hunting... the real question to ask here is ,,,, is your mate suitable for hunting ?? could be good for team morall coz everyone likes a bulshitter
  4. ohh sounds like someone has something to look forward to ... dont forget to upload the pics !!
  5. hi there mental mac and welcome to the forum hope someone can point you in the right direction ... let us know a bit about yourself what gun do you have do you have ferrets dogs hawks... (whats your hunting background) how old are you do you drive .... YOU KNOW THE DANCE >>>
  6. ryan666 im not thinking of making money or being famous im thinking of just enjoying learning about the film editing and then everyone could just pass a coppy on and there is always someone interestad in new hobies but thanks for the feedback thats wah i was asking for
  7. aye i was thinking maybe put some ferreting and falconry and lurchers and rifle and shotgun and snaring.... the lot more maby for someone who is just thinking about hunting to give a insight to all walks of shoting
  8. aye as i say im just toying with the idea at the muinute but i will keep you posted on the progres!
  9. hi lads next year i will be up and running with transport and was thinking of meaby compiling a dvd of how hunting is different around the country ... and for that i would need participents ... but we can come to that at a later day ... wah do you think of the idea thanks smitd
  10. i would hate to think i put it on the floor one dark night lol.... looking good though pal
  11. may i add the real trick to the set up would be to get the 800lm one and it comes in verry handy for lamping with the lurchers aswell as when your shooting.... also they have ajustable focus beam which is great.... i have tried to tell people about this for around a year and the few who have listened are not dissapointed
  12. im gonna shot that pretty little face on some plywood and use it as a target then once you can hardly make her face out for holes im gonna put the plywood on the fire and burn the bitches face
  13. hey guys just heard the rise of the verminator is on sale.. who has it and is there any chance of someone running me a coppy off would be nice to see wah it is all about only joking guys ... im messing .... evreyone buy one and suport our troops welfare cheeres smitd
  14. i have a niko sterling 3-9x50 cant grumble ok it cost just under 60 queen sheets but i do agree on keeping the local gun dealer in buisness if we all buy chinese then the gun shops will go bust and when we run out of pelets on a saturday morning then who are we to turn to .... keep it british and keep it local guys !! smitd
  15. si are you havin a laugh.... i just went from a meteor to a hw ..... its the heaviest gun ever lol... jokes
  16. thanks si its a belter best invertment i made on the hunting side of life.... shooting sticks are seccond lol
  17. hey guys the recent post regarding shooting sticks revealed a way to make some and heres my story.... i got up and pedeled the dog to b & q got home and within 20 mins i had them up and running... as for shooting a springer from them there 100 percent spot on with the springer rested straight on the sticks... so i got the new hw90 and the sticks in the feild for a test , the rabbit population is scarce on the permission these days so had to do with a magpie ... anyway make a set and let me know how you got on http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/378144_101509331
  18. i will cirtinly ask the blokie in the shop ..... and good luck with the sales my friend ..
  19. nar gonna keep the meteor ... not into selling things but i will bear it in mind matey .... and worrr a gin the wierach is guys ... a word of advice GET ONE
  20. webby do you know the ftlbs of your metior by any chance and how well does it shoot.... my old rifle is a meteor so i might fiddle with it a bit now its retired lol
  21. thanks mate i will give that vid a bash on the laptop in the garrage lol .... al let you know how i get on
  22. i go about an hour after dark although i am seeing less and less all the time... baring in mind that is the plan lol
  23. does any of you know weather it it works well or not as i dont wanna go wasting the cash on a set of sticks if its not gonna work lol..... i know bipods are no good but shooting sticks aint attatched are they ??? thanks smitd
  24. hey guys im back from spain well came bach the other day and after having a lot of fun with the webley stingray ... had to come home to the bsa meteor.... well as you can imagine i was missing the stingray a little... so i have just purchased a hw95 .... and will be tinkering on with it tomorow.... still owning the meteor i do feel that the little 177 will be seeing the inside of the bag for a while dont you.... anyway hows all you guys and have you been up to much ..... daddys back
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