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Everything posted by spot.me.in.the.dark

  1. mounting the lamp will be the firt of your tasks buddy, but once you have dont this dont forget to re zero and have a little practice before hand, hunting alone is the only way in my opinnion i do occasionaly take a partner but only when there is a real pest problem, my motto is there should only ever be 2 lives in the feild and only one is going to leave. anyway having a trip out on your own wont hurt nothing if you dont like it you can always come home , happy hunting my man and take care !!
  2. I'm going to spain today and I'm back on the 27th. If you are still looking when i get home I'm selling my hw 95 with scope bag shooting sticks. Done a great job for me over the years I'm just bringing the stingray back from spain and there is no point in it collecting dust I'm looking around the 240 mark for it thanks Stewie
  3. heya guys !! sory to bother you all again but i have just came acros something which i would like your advice on. I started my air gunning career with a range of smk's one imparticular was the smk xs89 which runs from a co2 gas bottle, great gun in my eyes the only rerason i sold it was the gas costs a fortune and it did not have a regulator on it so the pressure dropped every shot now here comes the great bit.... you can now buy a air bottle and a regulator made to screw straight into the thread for the co2 bottle..... big question is with me already sporting a bsa meteor .177, a weirach hw95
  4. thanks lads, just thought an update on my life was due in. just nice to touch base once in a while!!
  5. im not sure that particular one belonged to the photographer, it was just a bb gun realy looked the part in that shot though thanks stewie
  6. hey lads i just wanna say im still around i have just been busy with work and the odd party, anyway the guns and dog are all well and things are not too bad for me either. im a joiner by trade and i work as a shopfitter but always had this dream of being a model ( i know its a bit puffy ) anyway after a lot of work and money spent on traveling i have managed to get on with an agency but also got a job for a photographer who was interested in taking some of me with the gun so anyway if i can find how to do it i will upload them thanks guys stewie http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-a
  7. steep if you ask me lad. there only 300 new ! good luck with the sale though
  8. one of my friends struggeled with a silencer the problem was the pelets where catching the inside lip of the silencer... we only found out the problem when he fired a shot and the silencer end and its insides where fired 15 yards down from the hide !!
  9. zini how sharp is that knife ... i think its blunt !!
  10. just ordered a 1600 lumen one just to see if it realy is twice as good as my 800 one i shall keep you all informed... i go lamping with the 800 so not in no real need but i feel i will have fun with the 1600 ..( not surt the neibours will enjoy it though) !! haha
  11. aye stick at it my mate .... big bags only ever come with practice !!
  12. you realy should check the hunting laws in spain you may be suprised that to own any air rifle it needs to be registered in the town hall and NO ANIMAL can be dispatched using one !! at least thats the law in our town !! happy hunting
  13. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/230473-off-out-to-try-the-new-gun/ nope it seams not forgive me if im wrong like!!
  14. im not 100 percentwah your asking but hares are animals just like all dogs run different so do all hares .. this would be like saying are southern bread lurchers better than northere bread lurchers ... all animals are different
  15. £120 when mine got a tennis ball stuck in his throat and no word of a lie he took it out with a kitchen spoon ( he actualy went to the canteen to get it the cheekey b*****d!!
  16. welcome to the forum mate i started with a similar amount of permission ... good luck with the shooting !!
  17. you just got it on the 26th of this month didnt ya ??
  18. lumens is a direct mesure of light its slightly mor complex scientificly but for the sake of laymens terms it is how much light a light gives off... the best way to work it out in future is a 500 lm one is only 1/3 as good as mine haha!!
  19. just wish him a happy christmas from all of us we understand !!
  20. right paul us... it was not asleep it was awake by then as i had just discharged my firs pelet into a wood pigeon ..... i tell you what i will do though i will ofer you to come out with me whenever suits you as long as i am available on my permission and you can show me the right way to do it all...
  21. i got a whipet as he often helps find shot game.... and a headshot was available and a aimed for a headshot, everyone misses sometimes.... and i think a morning call is in order..... paulus would you care to elaberate on your comment and to the regs hey come hammer me .... im sure your busting to ( oh no thats coffie table .... )hahaha
  22. i have the 95 but still enjoy my bsa meteor ... try them both whichever you like the feel of is the one for you !!!
  23. tonight i went for a little look out throught the forest. earlier i sighted the bsa meteor into around 12 yards specifecly for the roost shooting. anyway there wasnt too much in sight but a loverly placed headshot bagged me a wood pigeon... about 5 mins later i tried to headshot a pheasent .... this shot missed and i can asume i hit its body as he could see me from below but never moved... i quickly scrambled another target trophy into the barell raised the rifle and as i squesed the trigger a few feathers droped to the floor and his head hang low but he was still in that bloody tree.. i g
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