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Everything posted by bmwmotard

  1. Thanks Mike, Indeed I have some Dogo Argentino's (first and second on the European huntingchampionships in France on wild boars.) I think they are a forbidden breed in the UK. Grtz Stefaan aka bmwmotard
  2. Thanks guys and ofcourse girls too I sit allowed to speek about TUNING? Increasing Power? To speek about extreem very powerfull airguns (10 - 20 times more then the UK limmit) Please some help and info and where to put these topics? Grtz Stefaan
  3. Hey guys and girls, I'm invited by a member overhere "Secretagentmole" wich I already have seen in the UK. It's a great guy and I comme sometimes over to the UK for a huntingtrip when someone invited me. I'm a airgunshooter (FAC in the UK) but overhere in Belgium we do NOT have any restrictions. Most of my weapons are tuned and also I have a European weapon pass where I put the most of them on. The reason is very simple for that. So I can travel within the European comunity with them. I shoot competitions on very long distances (several hundrets of meters with extreem very powerfull air
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