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Everything posted by bmwmotard

  1. He is normaly a FLEMISH speeking person Tegater (Dutch speeking as you say in England) but he surely speeks very very well French to as we all overhere in Belgium .... OK I will try this then. "Goede Middag " wouhaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Thank you mate...... You speek Flemish.... (or is it oogle translate??? )
  2. He is normaly a FLEMISH speeking person Tegater (Dutch speeking as you say in England) but he surely speeks very very well French to as we all overhere in Belgium ....
  3. hehehehehe I'm happy when you are happy.
  4. Hey mate, Doet me deugd je hier ook te zien..... Je wapen(s) is klaar alsook ALLE benodigde onderdelen ervoor..... hehehehehe Translation for the English guys overhere.... Glad to see you overhere..... Your weapon(s) are ready and all the needed separated parts also......hehehhehehehehe
  5. Total lenght of the condor from budplate to the end of the barrel including silencer from 40 cm lenght is 140 cm..... wouhaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. Jeezus Secret.... You know more about me than I myself know.... :laugh: :laugh: Anyway thanks for the invitation on this forum mate and also a very nice welcome to my friend Phill8282... That guy I have seen a few days ago in the UK together with Venom (nickname on a other forum) and they have invited me to hunt in that beautifull country of you guys.... First time in my live shooting during night. Damn diffucult I most say.... The first 2 shots where totaly ggazakzcogk;vckl=qcùql :blink: The 3th one was a hit wouhaaaaaaaaaa According Venom and Phill (and they know it be sure) i
  7. Nope you can't.... I see that you FINALLY hase start with THE BUSSINES wouhaaaaaaaaaaa
  8. Indeed but a very haevy gun. I use it for hunting on average annimals like roebuck and also for FT shooting overhere and France (we do not have the same rules as in the UK for power and distances) For realy heavy hunting I use my Quackenbush and or the Condor. Since I have placed a Polygoon 26 " (I hope the word and measurements are correct because I use mm instead of inches) in aswell the Condor as the Theoben the consistancy is far better then before. Only 1 thing is different. I need to clean the barrel more then before. +- each 150 shots or so)
  9. It's a huge collection.... I can start my own bussines I think....hehehehe more then 60 air guns and about 30 rimfire, including pistols and shotguns.... 90 % of them are on my European weapon pass.
  10. I din't make that stock for the AA s410..... but I like the concept.... I collected the pic because you never know for what it is good for...
  11. Hi everyone, I'm a bid out of time now and want to introduce myself.... you can't find my story back on the "New Members" topic. Secrectagentmole (I know that guy well and he is a friend of mine) has told me to comme overhere. He also warned (it's a positive warning and bad meaning at all) me (hahahahhahahahaha) for a guy called PIANOMAN..... he said that I gonna like the guy and that we have a lot of talking.... because we have the same adiction about guns and airguns generally....wouhaaaaaaaaa. I'm a more then crazy guy about air guns and have a few guns (+ 60 of them heh
  12. I have shot DEARS from more then 400 and 500 pounds with on distances from more then 150 meters in Romania and Poland Thats good shooting with an high powered air rifle. Looking forward to some interesting write ups from yourself, about your rifles and your hunting! Thanks mate.... Give me a few weeks or so and will write so much that everyone is gonna get crazy about it.... :laugh: :laugh:
  13. This is the link to my Photobucket.... http://s1091.photobucket.com/albums/i399/bmwmotard/ There is enough to see for hours and hours...hehehehehehehe :D :D
  14. I have shot DEARS from more then 400 and 500 pounds with on distances from more then 150 meters in Romania and Poland
  15. I have a few from + 130 ftp and the maximum I have is my Quackenbush at the moment with about 683 FTP hehehehheehhehe The weapon I like the most is my 6.35 Condor (the only one in the world) wich is specialy made for me and tuned by Antonu Annuzi in the USA and I tuned it further. Now the thing is set on (13 settings) 168 ftp. I use it for LONG RANGE shooting +- 450 meter (475 yards) I want a quackenbush! That is unreal power! heheheh I have ordered a CORSAIR from a bit more then 385 ftp.... when she arrives I tune it further to mawx power without loosing straight shooti
  16. Thanks mate. I try it out with a few pics when they are NOT to big. hehhehehe[/img][/img] [/img] The above pics are a few of my realisations... I also make guncabinets in different sizes and formats.... The sky is the limit.... hahahaha
  17. Thanks mate.... I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
  18. Thanks mate. I try it out with a few pics when they are NOT to big. hehhehehe[/img][/img]
  19. I never sid to anyone (or by pm) how to do it. I never (I think) did something wrong... I know a bit of the UK laws but absolutely NOT everything but I did help everyone about there specific problems when I could help and also I askt them a lot of queistions because I also wanna learn more... Nobody is perfect and nobody nows everything. I always wanna learn more and are open for good advice. Grtz Stefaan
  20. I have a few from + 130 ftp and the maximum I have is my Quackenbush at the moment with about 683 FTP hehehehheehhehe The weapon I like the most is my 6.35 Condor (the only one in the world) wich is specialy made for me and tuned by Antonu Annuzi in the USA and I tuned it further. Now the thing is set on (13 settings) 168 ftp. I use it for LONG RANGE shooting +- 450 meter (475 yards) ive got a rapid mk1 in .20 cal, its got 3 power settings 12/27/42 flbs but i only use it on 27flbs as its all over the place on the higher setting. Easy weapon to dismantle and I do like th
  21. put that in the lurcher section 200 new friends in 10 mins :laugh: :laugh: hehehe I gonna do that this weekend.... First a few other things to do such as tuning a few things;..... and shoot them in on distances that most of you are gonna be overwhelmed by. :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:
  22. That's a good one..... hehehehehe Aircrazy.... I keep that one in mind wouhaaaaaaaaa Is there a way my friends that I can put links in from Photobucket so that the pics can be seen onhere or the pics can be showed online? Please some advice.... I do speek English etc but I'm not so fammiliar with the use of the site you see. Sorry when I make mistakes in the beginning and when my English is NOT well enough. Stefaan
  23. I have a few from + 130 ftp and the maximum I have is my Quackenbush at the moment with about 683 FTP hehehehheehhehe The weapon I like the most is my 6.35 Condor (the only one in the world) wich is specialy made for me and tuned by Antonu Annuzi in the USA and I tuned it further. Now the thing is set on (13 settings) 168 ftp. I use it for LONG RANGE shooting +- 450 meter (475 yards)
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