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About bmwmotard

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 18/10/1964

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  • Interests
    Air rifles (FAC) Rimfire, schotguns and BMW motor cycles

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  1. I believe you.... but do NOT know how to import them in the UK...I have looked for a legal way and realy don't know or din't find a way.... they are on the "forbidden" list in the UK.... Don't ask me why but it's the law overthere.... but believe it or not my dogs are extreemly kind exept for unwanted persons.... One word and they attacking but also one word and they stop attacking... They are living in the house and I hunt with them and they are playing (while I see it of course) with my kids .... never is there been a attack or never there is a reason to believe that they are gonna attac
  2. Seems verry nice mate... When you ever are not happy with... just send it oke.. and will do the job.
  3. SOLD................ Guys, I have to much air rifles overhere and I'm considering for swapping a s200 MK III (latest new model) in 5.5 for a Super Sport and or a TX200 (I prefer the longer barrel but a HC is possible) in walnut. MUST BE IN SUPERB - MINT or even NEW condition. I prefer the 5.5 mm but this is not nessecary. Hole in hole on 50 meters (+- 55 yards) Atached a pic on 75 meters +- 82 yards... Weapon is now shooting at 21 ftp with JSB exact = 28 joule The work I have done and the prices are: Weapon is normaly 365 £ Silencer is normal
  4. In case of... send it to me.... I sandblast the stock.... put some orther oils on and or paint it (as you personally can desiite of course)... When I oil it... I also polishing it... Grtz mate... Stefaan
  5. yes please..... PICS !!!!! wouhaaaaa
  6. It's a few days hard work to get it done mate. I speek of experience...
  7. Pics please ....heheheegegege
  8. That last one is a FACT hehehehehehehehehehe Belgians and beer... Verry dangerious combination..... Wouhaaaaaaaaaa
  9. Hey my friend, We don't know each other (yet hehehehe) but in the spring I will come over o the UK when everything is fine for visiting Mike and Mary. Do some hunting (maybe ???) etc... Just bewteen under friends if you know what I mean. We maybe have the change then to see each other also... What I hear from Mary is that you are a realy top guy and she touched my heart about you. So it is more then diserved that you have this weapon. I thanks extreemly Mary and Mike for there friendship, kind words and honesty. Bether to have 1 good friend (far and away) but in the heart instead
  10. It was a pleaure to do my friend. Mike and Mary are verry good friends of me (Mister and missis Mole overhere) and we can help each other why shoulnd we do it then. I hope that you have manny manny years of pleasure with the weapon. You diserve it out the bottom of my heart. Grtz Stefaan aka: bmwmotard
  11. Well guys and girls... I also wanna thank those two wonderfull people who are almost gonna celebrate there birthday (in 2 days and 5 days I think)...They did allot already for me to and shipped already a lot of weapons to Belgium for me... Extreemly trustfull, friendly and always prepared to help others.... Mry and Michael... I thank you out the bottem of my heart. Next visit to the UK in 2 monts or so I will bring a hole trunck of Belgian beer with. thanks Stefaan and Carine Belgium aka: bmwmotard.
  12. Price??? Reason why that you are selling mate??? .22 or .177
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