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Everything posted by highlander

  1. We used to got up the tennement closes and tie all the door handles to each other then run down and knock all the doors. So no one could get out. You could also tie a cat in the middle but that was natsy Going on to fire work banger and cats ass (pop) . Scafolding pipe cut to about 3 feet block one end light rocket pop in point and aim cheap and cheerfull rocket launcher . Was pretty dangerous thought I mind one night my mate fired one at me and it came in the close f**king thing was bouncing about all over the place then it exploded my ears were ringing for days. The coppers didnt li
  2. good motors them isuzu ,ive had 4 of em,and never let me down,they do roll a bit ,but go on for ever I put pro comp shocks on my one took the roll right out I could take some corners at some speeds with my one I raced a boy racer night for a craic the guy couldnt belive that I could throw the truck around just as he could in his pocket rocket.
  3. I used to have an Izuzu trooper 3.1td SWB had it kitted out with bull bar and spots spotlight in the roof. Set of wide ass wheels I could get it any where never got stuck would go over any ground I tried and when I was out lamping I scared the sh*te out of a few people with some of the bankings I would just drive over not looking and the ex would sit in the back and piss herself at grown men screaming. Got a Ford Ranger Double cab 2.5td dont know what its like off road yet because still got road tyres on it only had it a month saving my pennies to get my BFG mud terrains £107 a corner. R
  4. Jesus millet im 23 and my old trooper only cost me £500 a year. My new ranger is £515 without protected no claims an £600 with. Id search around for a beter quote. Regards highlander
  5. I used to have a swb trooper 3.1td amazing machine go any where. I used to get roughly 27 mpg with it depending how I drove it. Just got a ford ranger double cab pick up 2.5td Im getting 29 mpg with it. Regards highlander
  6. Happy birthday magwitch. Regards highlander
  7. Was out the other night and saw two cubs and a adult near the coast then I got a phone call from one of the local keepers to say he saw two big cubs down by the river when he was fishing with guests. Roll on the winter. Regards highlander
  8. My dog gets a rash like that off long grass. Regards highlander
  9. I have lost a call bird once the only thing was he didnt realize I had the shottie with me. He didnt get far. One of the students that used to work with me let one out one day when we were rond feeding the call birds and checking the larsons the stupid bugger clipped both wings so it fluttered off and landed away out the hill. No f**king rifle, thought Shit thats all I need he will never come back now. Well I went up the following morning at first light and the silly f**ker was in the larsen again thank f**k. Regards highlander
  10. Crackers mate. Regards highlander
  11. No ditch they were both very much alive until I shot them both. Regards highlander
  12. Looks quiet good mate. Regards highlander
  13. Anti members WILL be here , they ARE here you can put good money on it . And if you are reading this Mr , Miss or Mrs Anti ...... Kiss my ### because you'll never beat us and you know it [/b] Well said chief. Regards highlander
  14. highlander


    Sorry to hear that mate I will keep my ear to the ground to. These f**king scum need there balls put in the vice and the old black n decker knee caps. F**king loosers. I would like to see them taking my bullx out the kennel because he hates people hes fine if Im there but if not he would have anyone else. Regards highlander
  15. Was out lamping one night and on turning up the hill tack is saw two pairs of eyes definately a fox roughly where I had a snare set about 150 yards off in to the hill so I shot one and it dropped and the other never moved so I shot it to walked up and found two vixens the one in the snare had had its back leg eaten away and it must have been the other fox as it was snared round the neck. Regards highlander
  16. There aint many wild polecats up this way fletch sure her wasnt just a ferral one I see the out one out west but never seen one up by you. I used to breed polecat hybrids and they where mad if you didnt handle them properly but they where deamon ratters. You should have tried to get a pick of it. Regards highlander
  17. highlander

    My Dad

    Sorry to hear that magwich. I lost my dad 10years ago now when I was 14 to a brain hemorage (spelling). Keep your chin up and keep strolling on it gets better with time. Regards highlander
  18. Lead head and jelly worm or raggies for the pollack usually rag. Had some good fish off furnace over the years havent fished it for about 3 years though. Regards highlander
  19. Happy birthday LB. Have a good one. Regards highlander
  20. Sorry to hear that mate. Regards highlander
  21. When I read the last thread about this dog jigsaw I was very sceptical about him getting better but I give you credit. You have changed the dog from being a complete wreck to looking fit and well. I wouldnt have belived the avatar picture was the same dog as I saw a few weeks ago. Good luck with him in the fture. Regards highlander
  22. Cracking pics there mike. Regards highlander
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