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About Edinburgh

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  1. Depending on how bad the prolapse is you can put sugar on our finger and then put it on the prolapse you have to keep it there for ten to fifteen minutes to give the sugar time to work. If you dont the ferrets will lick the sugar off then its a waste of time lol. The sugar helps to shrink it back into place, but like i say depends on how bad the prolapse is. If this doesnt work then a vet visit might be needed to stitch it in place.
  2. I vaccinate mine, once every 3 yrs. we live in an area where we can meet a lot of wildlife and i take mine out a lot so i dont want to risk it. There was a cd outbreak a couple of yrs back down south and 200 ferrets got wiped out most were vaccinated, the only ones that survived were vaccinated with Nobivac Dhppi. So its a bit hit and miss really. Mine also get vaccinated with nobivac. It is entirely a personal thing i chose to because of where we live.
  3. Edinburgh


    If i remember correctly they cant have to much organ meat weekly as they will get to much taurine. 2oz a week for liver. Yes lambs liver is fine tho. They can eat mostly any meats and organs just the quantity needs checking especially if your not going to use kibble, it needs to be balanced. If you are still using kibble along with the raw you should take the kibble away 3hrs before you feed raw to stop them getting upset stomaches as raw and kibble digest at different rates so the kibble slows down the process leaving the meat in the digestive track longer than it should be and can cause p
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