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    Born Hunter

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  1. hi interested in your gun could you ring me pls steve 07961692055 thanks
  2. hi tj26 call in weve an elephant to wash !
  3. hes 24 inches to the shoulder,hes getting on now 10 years old,10 th generation collie/grey bred from dean milners marley,and brockbarts dog zak great ferretting dog steady for l amping ,for a collie x has done well over the years on long ears he loves bigger stuff ! got line breeding back to derby and folley cup winners with all the well known names,ellis s fly ,celt ,etc many more
  4. Few pics ive got of Tyson Hell of a dog,very hard working dog,and a good looker ! Dug to him a few times,the guy who own him has a few borders .His son a dog called Jake is also a top class dog.
  5. top pic tyson and fudge after a dig bottom pic two of my bitches trying to share a catch ! left lilly homebred out of tyson right pip oxcroft bred bitch previous post that is
  6. yes it is tyson had it rough with a squirrel try to shrink a couple more !
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