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Everything posted by porkypowell

  1. I bet the spaniel is the best ratter
  2. And people think us country sports people are cruel to our dog and put us under absurd laws. Question is when are they going to ban dog racing when it generates a nice healthy tax revenue. Perhaps we should pay a Hunting tax and pay the treasury for every rabbit fox we catch and a licence. Laws might change then Simon
  3. You need a dead rat I would cadge trap a rat and dispatch it humanely then let the dog play with the carcass once the dog knows what it smells like and feels. Spend some time walking the ground and let nature take it course. Ferrets would make the process a lot quicker and more fun. Best of luck ratting is a lot of fun and the first step on the ladder for a pup. Simon
  4. Thanks lads its my boy`s pup she`s 3/4whippet 1/4beddy about 3 months old. Its great watching my son and his first lurcher learning together. He got her to sit, lie and stay after a fashion we can`t wait for the autum of 2008. Simon I know I am showing off a bit but at least the next generation of lurchermen is doing well
  5. Just thought I would share this with you all
  6. A good length of rope tied to make a loop to carry all the bunnies on and a bottle of wine/whiskey for the farmer its Christmass after all. Best of luck you lucky git I`ll be in work Simon
  7. gtomo, I pushed him to hard as a pup a classic mistake I know but we all make mistakes. He was the only whippet collie cross I have owned so I can`t compare him to another of the type. He was about 19" tts a strong dog but didn`t have the turning ability of the whippet seemed to throw more collie that I would of liked. I think the type of collie is all important in this breed otherwise they might turn out a bit heavy and can`t carry it off like the greyhound collie`s. This is just my opinion based on limited experience would I get an another one Yes only as a ferreting dog as the
  8. I had a 3/4 whippet 1/4 collie He was a handy sort of dog used to open up on the lamp but made a good daytime ferreting dog
  9. k9wpg I enjoyed them vids I love spaniels they make the ultimate ferreting dogs. I have a black and white sprocker who is sat by the fire 16years old deaf and blind in one eye a once in a lifetime dog. Obedience sorts the men out from the boys. I expect and get ultimate control over dogs I work. I work towards the following commands 1,dogs name=instant recall (backed up with whistle) 2,behind= walk at heal of lead,stand at heal 3,Down= lay and stay until told otherwise 4,No= stop whatever its doing 5,go on then=retrieve, push into cover,jump,hold netted rabbit etc.
  10. Hi Magwitch, How`s the pup getting on ? Simon
  11. Make a couple of extra large and small purse nets.
  12. The female of all species work harder than the males.
  13. Welcome back this is my first season after 10 years I am from the same area I`ll be having ferret kits in the summer which your more than welcome foc. Simon
  14. Found on the link below the radio 4 programme farming today tuesday morning radio 4
  15. What a waste of a truly magnificent animal Simon
  16. I hear that a connection between t.b. and badger is leading to a culling programme which the government can`t fund so the farmers will be asked to carry it out. I apologies for the sketchy nature of this but it was a on a radio programme on radio 4 morning. I will post more info If I can find it Simon
  17. Not to my tastes but best of luck to them we all have the one thing in common the love of working dogs in their many forms. Simon
  18. How does the mark 3 collar fair up I have seen posts stating that they are prone to slip off small jills Simon
  19. Here is how I have always done it and will do with my son ans his first lurcher which is also a 3/4wxb 8 week`s old As soon as the dog has settled into its new home after about a week or so training commences basic obedience training in the following order 1. Recall 2. lead training/walking of the lead at heal 3. Stock breaking, this also includes ferrets which the pup is introduced to after about a week lots of time spent with the ferret until the pup will feed from the same bowl as them. 4. Socialisation, walking in towns and busy pla
  20. I would like to introduce you all to Meg a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy bred by Mark the Moucher a quallity pup. Once again thanks Mark and the dog didn`t cover jack in sick and slept most of the 3hr journey back to Wales.
  21. Thanks for the info I`ll give them a bell tomorow Simon
  22. Hi, Any info on a litter of pups available or due soon looking for a 3/4 whippet 1/4 bedlington bitch will travel and pay sensible money. Simon
  23. Going out ferreting with my son and daughter watching them setting nets and missing rabbits always makes me feel better. Simon
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