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Everything posted by IShootandFishE-zine

  1. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version http://www.ishootandfish.ie/january2012-e-zine.pdf Live video interactive version http://content.yudu....andFishEzineJa/ Thanks Anthony
  2. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version http://www.ishootand...-ezine-2011.pdf Live video interactive version http://content.yudu....andFishEzineJa/ Thanks Anthony
  3. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version http://www.ishootandfish.ie/january2012-e-zine.pdf Live video interactive version http://content.yudu....andFishEzineJa/ Thanks Anthony
  4. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version http://www.ishootandfish.ie/january2012-e-zine.pdf Live video interactive version http://content.yudu....andFishEzineJa/ Thanks Anthony
  5. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version http://www.ishootandfish.ie/december-ezine-2011.pdf Live video interactive version http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1v0yh/IShootandFishEzineDe/ Thanks Anthony
  6. Hi Lads, Here is the link for the PDF. Sorry for delay. http://www.ishootandfish.ie/december-ezine-2011.pdf
  7. Hi Lads, Here is the link for the PDF. Sorry for delay. http://www.ishootandfish.ie/december-ezine-2011.pdf
  8. Hi Lads, Here is the link for the PDF. Sorry for delay. http://www.ishootandfish.ie/december-ezine-2011.pdf
  9. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version out in a couple of days. http://content.yudu....andFishEzineDe/ Thanks Anthony
  10. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version out in a couple of days. http://content.yudu....andFishEzineDe/ Thanks Anthony
  11. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! PDF version out in a couple of days. http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1v0yh/IShootandFishEzineDe/ Thanks Anthony
  12. What sort of mites? In all the birds i have shot i have never seen mites on them. Were they in the feather or on the meat?
  13. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1unqr/IShootandFishEZineNo/ Thanks Anthony
  14. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1unqr/IShootandFishEZineNo/ Thanks Anthony
  15. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1unqr/IShootandFishEZineNo/ Thanks Anthony
  16. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1unqr/IShootandFishEZineNo/ Thanks Anthony
  17. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu....andFishEZineNo/ Thanks Anthony
  18. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1unqr/IShootandFishEZineNo/ Thanks Anthony
  19. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1uatw/IShootAndFishEZineOc/ Thanks Anthony
  20. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1uatw/IShootAndFishEZineOc/ Thanks Anthony
  21. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1uatw/IShootAndFishEZineOc/ Thanks Anthony
  22. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1uatw/IShootAndFishEZineOc/ Thanks Anthony
  23. Hi All, Here is the I Shoot and Fish Free Monthly E-Zine. Hope you enjoy. All feed back welcomed and listened too! http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1uatw/IShootAndFishEZineOc/ Thanks Anthony
  24. Great bag. If you would like to send me the pics and tell me about it I'll include in next months e-zine.info@ishootandfish.ie
  25. Mike got those e-mails thanks if anyone would like to submit an article e-mail me info@ishootandfish.ie Shooting and fishing practice is more or less the same no matter what side of the water we are on. The more we show about our sport and the hard work that we put into it the more people will believe that we know more about the country side than the Anti's!
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