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Everything posted by winner69

  1. good lump of a fox,the teckels are great ditching dogs also,are the any working breeders in ireland of this breed?
  2. good lump of a fox,the teckels are great ditching dogs also,are the any working breeders in ireland of this breed?
  3. haha there is another man that runs a shows a tout,when the uspca turns up at ur show with 10 jeeps of peelers in rait gear,lifting dogs and taking reg of cars and he gets left aloan well i do say,we dont forget, ha ha
  4. if my boy started trying to get down rabbit holes after bushing rabbits i no wat id be doing with him, i think it a bad idea to encourage a terrier to hunt rabbits when you want him for foxs .at the end of the day there only dogs.if theyre bushing rabbits there going to try and go to ground after them.i dont care what any one says thats my opinoin .its either one or the other
  5. i when to only a couple of shows and the only one it didnt piss down at was birr, so for this reason birr was best
  6. i know the blue pellets that were sown with carrots are highly Poissoness to animals but i think they were taken off the market ..id say some farmers still have an old sack or two lying about there yards, if you think your dog has been poisioned and you cant get a hold of a vet, use some magnesium sulphate, it will make the animal scower very badly but it may just save its life...very handy to have a jar of it. them blue pellets are a type of slug pellet come to think of it.. any kind of slug pellet is dangerous
  7. 10 minites!! that has to be the record!! its a wonder she didnt have to carry him home!
  8. I'm new to the board but have been around the dogs for a long time, I was at that show and never seen any cheating, the shows are about CONFORMATION and CONDITION,and racing your dog, the field is the test for the working dog...Danny300 you seem very up set by the results...as you say its only fun and it was the judge on the day that picks the winners, ...unless your saying the judge had done some cheating ? as for the pup, your on about have you some problem with it being raced ? if it was good enough whats the problem with it being entered ? its coming across that you seem jealous of the dog
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