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Everything posted by stamford1

  1. first chance to go out with the dog this season couldnt wait the weather almost perfect down here got to the first permision of the night quick flash across the field looking promising rabbits gallore two great runs the droped the fooking lamp the stood on it fell arse over tit coverd in shit and muck get up and now cant get the lamp to work so home for a early night not the start one wanted but never mind the is still tomorow happy days
  2. i have passons russel at home who got luxatet lenses in both eyes cost me 8000 pounds to save his sight no insurance so lernt the hard way and the treatment didn work and lost his eyes anyway got the other dog insured now would never not insure a dog again
  3. just wandering when you all finish your season cheers
  4. my neigbour has the fox project bring her foxes that are injured or manged up so they can recover then relises them in the wood behind me then all they do is go though all the dust bins and make a feking mess and shti every where stupid cow then i just go up there and put them out there missriy
  5. my dog stamford had the same and went to vet and he just aid to rest for a month and it workd a treat
  6. my misses dont really like it but i couldnt give a fukc and told her so and she accepts it cos if she didnt she would be down the road and told her son as son is older enough he will be comming out with me to
  7. i love the cold and i get on well with arsy aggresive knob heads quite well so i should get on fine haha
  8. cos most of us are from Yorkshire. and i was thinking of moving to north yorkshire next year dont know what i would be letting myself in for
  9. so many cocks on here why is everyone so fooking agressive and arsy if you dont like what is asked why reply knobs
  10. lol ya cnut lol I been pissing myself laughing since yesterday cheered right me up. At least you've the balls to take on the staff :laugh: Oh and sweetpea don't take politeness for confusion i dont think your polite jumping on my thread with your stupid comments and thats where you have become confused , if you realy think that a staffordshire bull terrier is suitable then you realy are dillusional your just another stupid fecking muppet who frequents this forum and obviously has nothing to contribute other than displaying that your an ignorant oxygen thief qick edit ;
  11. good luck theres is nothing worse these people are scum
  12. hi all im john i have a stafford that i do ratting and a bit off lamping with and a parssons russel i used to rat with till it lost both its eyes
  13. hi all im john i have a stafford called stamford that i do ratting and bit of lamping with and parsons russel i used for ratting till lost both eyes
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