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Everything posted by talt

  1. Iwould imagine that as an unexpected bonus the crime rate would go down too.
  2. I think they should hire a football stadium and get them all in there with their sticks, knives, chainsaws or whatever and let them get to it. sell seats to watch it and give all the money to charity. Keep on doing this until they have just about culled themselves right down and the world would be a happier place and the charities would have a good do out of it as qwell.
  3. It never ceases to amaze me how many people there are out there that are like that, or get rid of a decent dog because they want a different cross.
  4. I have also posted this in the lurcher section. Anyone have any experience? I haven't myself and i am genuinely interested if it makes any difference.
  5. Never had a dog or bitch that's been doctored but was wondering if anyone else has any experience and did it affect them or not?
  6. What a good idea! It would be good to keep it going, and everyone who has it should sign it as well.
  7. Keep the best dog and bitch from both litters ( or place with mates so you can keep track ) and cross them and start your own line.
  8. I made my own out of popcorn tubs and plastic pipe. Need to keep them covered though else they get brittle.
  9. I have an old 2001 volvo v70, and to change a rear brake light bulb is a twatbastard, you need the hands of a small child and the strength of a lowland gorilla to get in and twist the holder out. The writing was on the wall back then.
  10. In my opinion the bitch should be physically and mentally mature before breeding. As for the bitch going to ground or not, does it make it better or worse than a bedlington terrier to cross with a whippet?
  11. I personally don't think you can judge any animal just by a picture, you have to be there and see it in 3D so to speak.
  12. It looks really good, a recycled file and plaggy bags, are you joining the green brigade? Could be a selling point.
  13. Peterborough dog track is a good night out.
  14. talt

    Tattoos ?

    I think you are right, having said that my brother has just had a full sleeve done and he's 69. Fookin' mad.
  15. One thing i will say is when you get one, throw the fooking seat away and get one with springs or padding. I persevered and my arse still hasn't forgiven me.
  16. I got an old Raleigh max fully rigid mountain bike from a car boot for £20. In really good condition and everything works. I don't intend throwing myself down a mountain on it, just to the shops and down a few farm tracks with the dogs. It does what i want it for, a bit old school but then so am i.
  17. Got a first cross collie greyhound and he's alright with it.
  18. talt


    Smart looking dog and in good order
  19. I don't know about a push, but i wouldn't mind some of them giving me a pull.
  20. Go for it buddy, i wish you all the best. My Mrs. was a smoker and half heartedly tried a few times, then she went into hospital and was determined to pack up. I said " not while you have a hole up your arse! " Well, its been 19 years so perhaps i should be bending her over for an inspection ?
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