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Everything posted by talt

  1. Be no good me going on there nowadays, the sliding door would bind and get stuck on my belly and they would have to stand there and talk about my knob
  2. A friend of mine has got some Pakistani pigeons, beautiful birds.
  3. You have some decent muffs there buddy.
  4. I hate it when you wipe and your finger goes through the toilet paper. Other than that i'm enjoying my new job at the old folks home.
  5. The boys have watched all the only fools episodes and specials at least five times back to back. They like Porridge as well and on the buses.
  6. We have twin boys who are autistic and a lot of what you lads have said is all to familiar. Our boys are very happy chaps and have a good sense of humour and i couldn't imagine life without them. They both take things very literally and one instance that always makes me smile when i remember it was when one lad came downstairs with his full batman costume on. I said " hello batman, have you just got back from fighting crime in Gotham city? " to which he lifted his mask and with a puzzled look said " it's me, Billy! "
  7. My dad always used to keep a few mongrel red factor canaries to use as foster parents. I used to sit in his bird shed for hours when i was kid, miss those days and him.
  8. I like to put custard on my rhubarb but each to his own.
  9. Go with your gut feeling mate, a couple of times i didn't and i regretted it. If you put the time and effort in he will be a good dog. It's a big bonus if you happen to like him as well
  10. Fookin hell her feet are like hooves, i doubt she will have much bother with them in her career.
  11. I thought the virus couldn't survive in temperatures above 24 degrees ?
  12. Up until a couple of years ago i was still using an old blue eye lamp.
  13. Looks like it's been down a few years dy. It will be a nice place to sit and chill with a few beers when the Mrs. is giving you ear ache LOL.
  14. Put a bit of timber on now but i think i still would.
  15. Watched a couple of old nineties films, Double Jeopardy and Wild Things the other night. Both good films, had never seen them before. We also watched Weird Science with our two boys at the weekend, a proper blast from the past.
  16. We lived near an English travellers site and we got on well with the people on there, and i have to say it's probably the safest place we have ever lived at.
  17. talt


    I remember watching him in a film years ago where he played a detective, can't for the life of me recall the title but it was bloody good. I think they made one or two sequels. Just googled it and i think it was a made for tv movie about a character called Jack Reed and there was a few movies.
  18. That was 18 years ago and it still pulls a bit when i think of it. The lad was not at fault, he can do what he wants in his own shed but i never expected it to happen. I think because they were my dads birds made the experience more painful. I sometimes think about having an aviary but i am always put off by that memory.
  19. When my dad died i took on all his Norwich canaries. I painted our out house white inside, put strip lights in, painted the cages and used to spend hours in there watching them. Then one day i came home from work and the lad next door had sprayed his car in his garage that was built onto our out house and the fumes had come through and killed all but two of them. Broke my heart.
  20. Had the same happen to me when a hare jumped up, it's not fooking funny being dragged along with no control by a pathological lurcher.
  21. My dad used to have cast greyhounds for racing at the flapping track and also Sunday ( ! ) morning coursing and i don't really remember many foot injuries, but it was a while ago. The more recent greyhound i knew of had been retired through injury at a young age and was a very useful ferreting dog, excellent at marking and good at retrieving liked water and jumped well. It put up a good show on the very few foxes we came across and pulled down roe. On the down side she was a b*****d with sheep and got the owner in a bit of trouble with that and when lamping she tired fairly easily. My brother
  22. Yes he certainly added a bit of humour. quite a character and funny as feck.
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