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Everything posted by talt

  1. And thats only the ones that are known of. Its funny how most of the arrests have been low grade people or washed up, over the hill celebrities that will probably keel over shortly anyway, yet all the top celebrities, film stars, politicians and high profile people where it is more or less common knowledge that they are nonces ( Jimmy Savile ring a bell? ) basically flaunt it and nothing is said or done because corrupt cops ( freemasonry is rife in the force ) at high levels like the arse who is the subject of this thread protect them and cover up for them. Even now there are high level politi
  2. An aide rushes into the oval office and says to Donald Trump " Mr. president i have some good news and some bad news. " Trump says " Whats the bad news? " The aide says " Aliens have invaded the U.S.A! " Trump says " Oh no, whats the good news? " The aide says " They eat Mexicans and piss gasoline "
  3. Was this by any chance in Alabama? Only i couldnt help noticing the sillouhette looks awfully like a black person running away from you.
  4. My twin lads love it, they are nine. All the lads in that programme seem a little bit simple to me.
  5. Reality TV or crock of shit?
  6. Nice little video You have got steadier hands than me lol.
  7. Happy birthday Stewie, have a good un.
  8. I would agree with tomburras that the bsa is a cadet major. I have an old one that gets used for plinking in the garden.
  9. He looks pleased with himself.
  10. talt


    My longnets have dried out nicely. Just got to untangle them from the top of the leylandii now.
  11. If its doing its job its a good dog wether it has long legs, short legs, one eye, undershot or whatever. A good dog is never a bad cross either.
  12. I suppose it would make applying pile cream that bit easier.
  13. I do suffer from a little stiffness.
  14. I was just interested in getting more supple and was looking at different disciplines, lol.
  15. https://youtu.be/tyYOKTkZuWw I dont know if this lass does classes.
  16. I will start it off with old age is.................siting on your own bollocks.
  17. My brother had a norfolk type rough coated fawn bitch that he lined with a dog that looked exactly the same and the pups were varied to say the least. Two looked like pure greyhounds, three looked like first cross collies and two looked like old english sheepdogs. Only one looked like the parents but they all had one thing in common, they were shite.
  18. So its not just a British thing for vets to try and rinse as much money as they can out of customers.
  19. My wife has got a pair of flashing novelty ear rings that i have often thought about putting on the ferret collar and having a go at night. Maybe next season i will try it.
  20. How do you go about it? Just the same as in the day time or do you do anything different? Do you use lights of any sort either to see with or identify where the ferrets are at? what happens if you get a lay up? Lots of questions i know, but i am seriously interested.
  21. Anyone on here had a go at it? I was just thinking it might be an option for pest control in sensitive areas, and how others have gone about it.
  22. Also on D/Driving " Lurcher bitch for sale, run a couple of rabbits, kids not looking after it any more." Well try looking after it yourself you lazy twat.
  23. Well done mate. Sounds like the ferrets instincts kicked in. A good write up and i hope you have many more good days out with the stinkers.
  24. You have done well for him, you can see some change from the first pics. His coat looks better and although you cant really tell from photos he seems to have that collie spark about him.
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