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Everything posted by talt

  1. By the way he's not winking, he's only got one eye, he lost one hunting up in a thicket.
  2. I don't know if this boy counts, staff x ambull
  3. You should have kept the tache
  4. I don't grow a beard, i look too much like her mother.
  5. talt

    Men in Tights

    I will have to look into that because when i take my shirt off it still looks like i'm wearing an angora sweater, a fooking grey one.
  6. talt

    Men in Tights

    Or so i hear, lol
  7. talt

    Men in Tights

    Only if you wear nipple clamps
  8. talt

    Men in Tights

    That's just perverted.
  9. talt

    Men in Tights

    With or without a noose?
  10. talt

    Men in Tights

    No, only bra and panties
  11. What is it with men wearing tights in the gym these days? Soyboys? metrosexuals? fashion statement? After all it isn't usually cold in there.
  12. talt


    Just to lighten the mood
  13. talt


    The thing is blokes can't win. If you leave them then your a cnut. If they leave you it's because your a cnut. And that's how it will always be.
  14. I can only hope they become resistant to it over here.
  15. I for one envy you. Rabbits on my permissions have become something of a rarity. Let's hope that RHVD doesn't ruin your sport in Oz.
  16. I didn't last that long
  17. Can anyone remember milegajo squatting in his caravan on someones land and then complaining when the bailliffs turned up?
  18. Never come across it but i've heard that the ointment used for athletes foot in humans is a cure for it.
  19. Your lucky, we got lost in France with ours
  20. Me too. And flashing lights, bells and sirens
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