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Everything posted by talt

  1. Your not a bailiff or TV licence man are you?
  2. Especially if they are wearing masks. What kind of parties do you go to?
  3. That bottom one is the spitting image of our old girl.
  4. Hi Trev, i don't know much about her, i got her off a chap who was going to shoot her because his lad wasn't looking after her and she was in poor condition when we got her. Don't know if that made any difference to her skin and coat but it was very thin and tore easily. Couldn't fault her speed and tenacity and never suffered with her feet. Once while chasing a rabbit she went flat out into a tree and i feared the worst but she came back a bit groggy and within ten minutes she wanted to go again.
  5. We lost our old whippet a couple of months back and i still miss her. Perhaps i got unlucky with my choice because she had a very thin coat and skin like a peach, and we always seemed to leave more of her in the fields than what we brought back but her enthusiasm and heart was never in doubt. I said i would never have another but she is missed in my little team and perhaps if the right pup came along at the right time i might be tempted again.
  6. talt


    Can't give you a like walshie but ?
  7. Can't really argue with any of that.
  8. A friend is someone who will give you an alibi when the shit hits the fan. A good friend will help you hide the body.
  9. Kev was at fault. He should have reversed over them.
  10. I had a terrier bitch jabbed after a mongrel terrier got in with her and she ended up having eight pups, so i will not be wasting my money again. On the bright side i kept a pup back and he turned out to be the cleverest most easily trained dog i have ever had, he is also my best mate.
  11. Nice one, i look forward to your videos .
  12. One suggestion i would make is that it would be prudent to take it outside and burn the shit out of it to get rid of all the paint on it, the fumes from that will be more likely to kill than anything else. Spot on otherwise.
  13. Pardon my ignorance but what's the difference? is it just temperature or something else? I got an automatic chinese one for £60 and it's bang on for chickens and you can adjust the temperature and its all digital.
  14. talt


    I don't remember this episode lol.
  15. talt


    Anyone remember this
  16. Lovely pup, god feet and plenty of knuckle to grow into. Is he a first cross?
  17. In my opinion St. Georges day should be celebrated with the same vigour and verve as St. Patrick's day. What's racist about celebrating our heritage? Why should we be ashamed of our birthright?
  18. Looks like a nice warren to ferret, no brush to snag the nets and nice clear runs for the dogs
  19. talt


    Ask David Cameron i'm sure he could come up with a few ideas
  20. Sorry to hear about your loss, i know exactly what you are going through having experienced the same thing two days ago. You keep expecting them to be there but then you remember they are not and it pulls a bit. It will get better and when it does you can fondly remember the good ( and not so good ) times you had and know that both of your lives were enriched by your partnering up. R.I.P Ossie.
  21. A good book would be Penny Taylor's Running Dog Maintenance, that should see you through most of what to expect when owning a lurcher. Her user name on here is skycat, a very knowledgeable lady.
  22. Personally i would leave his tackle alone unless he gets excessively randy later on and it causes problems. As for it being a cancer risk i think that is literally a load of old bollocks. Plenty of exercise and free running, jogging beside a bike and a bit of running a lure if you have access to one should see him get race ready.
  23. you can't trust those bull types with kids, they wear them out too quick.
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