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Everything posted by mid.land.err

  1. that lad at top called 'bedlinton' in white top is a right twat got shit dogs dont kno owt about dogs either!
  2. lol good pic, and i ant got an terrier lads just lurchers.
  3. reet then id like too see peoples earth dogs and im sure alot of others would too, no bitching about whos dogs are the prettiest or the best etc etc. just photos of your dog and write how it is bred nothing else too save arguments pleaseeee cheers atb
  4. easy now shit head an midlander feck invititing you ta any shows al youll da is slaughtethem an get numbers down , shame about the dog but shit happens arsehole,,,,,,,,. what shows do you own for it too be invite only then? i surpose you would have been alryt with ye bull x would a just smashed that pole too bits eh?
  5. my beddy whippet greyhound 7 1/2 month old 23" tts
  6. he was dressed like he was in the game and was straight too his dog when the accident happened, fair play too him and hope the dogs up and going again soon!
  7. quite well, one of them has permission on dave platts's best mates ground just up the road, they was round plattys's house a couple week back too put a beddy x across one of his deerhound crosses, seen him last week often see him picking litter through the town centerto be honest and yeh they say hes a nice bloke easy too get on with, 6.8ft monster lol with size 14 boots
  8. plattsy live about 5 minutes away from me mate, i dont kno him too talk too but a few lads i have alot too do with kno him quite well and they all reckon he breeds some handy stuff
  9. love it how your that confident in yer dog that yah can take a photo of the rabbits then slip ye dog, good going
  10. anybody ever had or seen a fox terrier lurcher?
  11. there was about 5 dogs in the race bud and tbf the one that hit the pole was proberly about ten foot or so behind the rest so the tightness wasnt a matter and toffee was you there? did you see it? put it this way if it was my dog i wouldnt have been taking it home alive so in my eyes it was tragic simple, prick
  12. looks more wheateny or norfolk type than beddy eh, im happy with her so far like
  13. who is too blame then? not starting an argument or anything 'paddy weavers coursing crewe' shouldnt have put stakes in etc etc but the owner seen that they was there and it was his choice too run his dog dont get me wrong theres dangers everywere, i had a pup topple off some rocks after a rabbit on a golf course and broke her neck some things just cant be helped but i just cant see the point in putting a dog in any danger as such for a paper bag... just my oppinion like i said not trying too start an argument
  14. i know it was a beddy cross dont know wether it was beddy whippet grey or beddy whippet, i take it your on about maud?
  15. f****n joke int it! the owner of the dog is just too blame as much as the runners of the event, never seen any point in participating to be honest but everybodys different i surpose
  16. for starters id of had a better day out at the local sunday market! full of folk that are'nt even into the country persuits, so many stands selling furniture etc etc. but the reason i started this thread as i was just leaving as the first lurcher sprint was starting, a dog of what looked like a whippet or whippet cross ran full whack into a metal stake holding the rope up bent it in half so it was shaped like a U on its side the dog just lay there! at this point i thought it had broken its neck but what seemed too be a long while after but was proberly a couple of seconds the dog started too
  17. bad too hear but proberly doesnt help much by posting on here that you got your air rifle out too shoot somebody the other day
  18. these photos arent very recent there at about 5-6 months old shes 8 months next week now was 23" ded on tts at 7 months and shes grown abit im thinking about 23 1/2
  19. cheers lads like i said dunna worry i int one of these that asks daft questions like this then jumps straight into takin one on im not even thinking about it just was curious, thanks again
  20. cheers, was just wondering, a mates just took on a lakey russell from good stuff both parents proven earth dogs propper grafters so was just curious if its a good choice cross breeding terriers or not thats all
  21. collie crosses are obviously better than what i thought they were on charlie, my mate has got one which will get its jaws round a charlie, i think its fare too say that he will tell you shes not a fox dog but she will course them and will get her jaws around them, only seen her on one and tbh i doubt we would have cuaght it without his collie cross, but we wouldnt have killed it without his brothers beddy cross (absolute animal!) other than that his collie cross will run long ears all day and all night rabbit aswell
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