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Everything posted by mid.land.err

  1. looking too set a couple of fox traps on some of my permission in the next few weeks, just curious whats the best baits too use, will me scent put the fox off entering the trap etc etc. thanks
  2. not my type of cross, i know f**k all about earth dogs tbh but i know how they do it and what they do i know what breed is usually bred for what purpose and i know a soft jawed terrier from a hard jawed terrier etc etc. but in my oppinion if it does the job then who gives a f**k what its got in it, like i said it wouldnt be my choice but i wouldnt slate the dog if i havnt seen it work, who knows in a few years the chihuaha cross may be the top choice of most terrier lads,
  3. nice bitch . what percentage of wheaton is in her ??? nice 1 mate,she is 1/4 wheaten 1/8 bull and 5/8 greyhound one of the best developed wheaten crosses iv seen, if she works as good as she looks then your a very lucky man!
  4. think you said it on another thread simo --- dont trust any fecker these days or summot along them lines .. iv never trusted anyone my hole life but this one time i opened up and trusted the fella without even knowing him, id been told good stuff about him and he seemed a genuine fella that built good stuff, what a twat i was!
  5. i would be more than happy too pay him a visit only thing is hes one end of the country and im the other without a driving lesson, plus one more complaint and i go straight too court and to be totally honest i could do without the old bill on my case with some of things i get upto in the field if you get what i mean... and yeh he is still using DD timber products website, best thing about it he was nearlly in tears claiming he cant go a game fair without getting threatened, maybe he should learn from his mistakes or just wont ??
  6. dont mean too come across as a little bithc or anything along them lines but this post is purely too warn others as i didnt have any warning and fell into his trap, i ordered a kennell off dd timber products about 12 months or so ago all done over the phone direct with the man him self he said he will need the full amount of money before he starts too build the kennell and me being a daft twat i am i agreed too the terms and conditions and he said it would be with me withing 2 weeks max, four or so months further down the line there was no sign of a kennell, he was ignoring my calls and emails
  7. nothing too worry about mate usually helps taking out with another dog, my last pup wouldnt even look at a rat in a cage but the pup iv got now was happy killing rats at 4 months old, every dog is different it doesnt mean its goin too be better than yours because yours isnt showing interest at the minute, its only natural for you too have abit of doubt in your head at the minute and proberly will have until she catches a rabbit but one day you will be out and the unexpected will happen nd the pup will catch and kill the quarry and then you will feel like slapping your self for worrying all the
  8. if i was out in the week on my own then yes id run single handed but when im out with mates id run doubled up simple,
  9. my beddy cross was 8 month old on friday big powerful bitch stands just over 23" and big built too, having a scrap with her the other day and noticed shes still got a puppy tooth at the front of the top jaw, whats the oldest youv had a dog with puppy teeth still too fall out?
  10. yeh true, when we get a chase n my mates got his black and white collie x we just stick a cow bell on it nd chuck it in a field full of fresian cows just kiddin weve never had a problem with taking white dogs out
  11. well said mate !!!!!!!!!!! good job i ant in sheffield then ant it...
  12. like i said iv seen bedlintons beddy cross run things that bite back and id give you all the money too my name (which isnt alot) if you could get his dog too spew.... as for calling him a thick c**t your much braver than me
  13. never sin a white one before just brindles and dark ones still nice as f**k mate looks abit like a first cross beddy whippet iv got, pale in colour and same build only stands 19" not a dog for things that bite back but she will give em ago if she could, handy little ratting and ferreting/mooching dog though
  14. seen this dog and second what he says,, pure grafter!
  15. yeah your right she has mate, she ant seen much only 11 month old had severel rabbits
  16. top pic looks like a mirror image lol how they bred? well built dogs
  17. whats the brindle one midlander bedlington collie greyhound, brothers bitch
  18. lets see some photos of yer dogs, just put photos up and how there bred thats all anything else too causes arguments on here, thought it would be decent too see peoples dogs thats all ill start it off heres my beddy whippet greyhound currently 8 months old and 23"
  19. ask mike too see the dog work he will take ye out. a mate of mines had a pup off him its 8 months old and a keen little dog not seen much yet so cant tell you wether its a good'n or bad'n
  20. i feel sorry for the likes of you come all the way down from scotland too that! jock b*****d
  21. apart from the favouritism it was a good enough day good enough day? it was f****n wank!!! wouldnt waste my time going too that heap of shit again biggest game fair my arse
  22. reet then boys and girls that beddy x i was telling you allll about that will put any bull cross too shame is that 'bedlintons' beddy whippet grey stands 20" tts and will catch as many charlies in a night as you can put infront of him and not yelp no matter what pain inflicted, so all you'z that said 'id like too hear it from your mate himself' cus you all thought i was leiing here he is ask him yourself
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