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Everything posted by mid.land.err

  1. cheers bud, still young shes 8 months now 24" tts heavy bitch only time will tell wether shes as good as she looks
  2. too up their own arse for me but just my oppinion
  3. put a ginger out of a plantation today cubbing and a bloke had seen out of his big flash house in the countryside he said the law had been rang, old bill turned up 2 hours later and just stayed on the road lol we packed up and called it a day, they follow our other local hunt aswell the quorn, mini bus full of em regulary turn up
  4. this is me beddy x at 2 n alf months old then 7 months old, got no recent pics post some up yourself
  5. atleast the lad knows it wont be going too a peddlar or a wanker! id be more than willing too pay that kind of money for the right dog
  6. iv never or never will do it too my dogs but lets be honest its doing no harm if they dogs hated it that much theyd be trying too get them off they dont look very happy but there not that bothered
  7. must admit not one of the dogs in pics looks one bit happy haha
  8. i think the majority of them are english staffs from chavvy council houses that have never seen ote that bites back other than the neighboughs dog..... theres some genuine bull crosses around but theres too much shit going around, i know plenty of terriermen and none of them have ever worked a pure bull terrier, for the amount of bull crosses that are around there must be some shit bull blood going about like all crosses but i reckon the bull cross is the worse, pick the breeding right and you'v got a handy dog just my oppinion atb
  9. fount this one on the laptop of my brothers beddy x lol sad sad boy
  10. my beddy whippet grey/ beddy grey was 21 1/2 at 6 months and now 24 at 8 months not got much growing left at all just bulk out abit but yeah every dog is different
  11. just because you'v been in the game the longest doesnt mean you kno more than others.... ill shine a clulite in your eyes from 50 yards away and then a 240 blitz im sure you will get further with the clulite in your eyes!! i dont think im an expert on lamps but it isnt rocket science toi kno the more powerfull the lamp the blinder the quarry will be... Are you a hunter????? Thats the usual shite the antis spout, i have lamped thousands of quarry and NEVER have i blinded any of them, thats the old wives tales the antis push mate, are you a virgin lamper???????????? twat, are
  12. just because you'v been in the game the longest doesnt mean you kno more than others.... ill shine a clulite in your eyes from 50 yards away and then a 240 blitz im sure you will get further with the clulite in your eyes!! i dont think im an expert on lamps but it isnt rocket science toi kno the more powerfull the lamp the blinder the quarry will be... Are you a hunter????? Thats the usual shite the antis spout, i have lamped thousands of quarry and NEVER have i blinded any of them, thats the old wives tales the antis push mate, are you a virgin lamper???????????? twat, are
  13. just because you'v been in the game the longest doesnt mean you kno more than others.... ill shine a clulite in your eyes from 50 yards away and then a 240 blitz im sure you will get further with the clulite in your eyes!! i dont think im an expert on lamps but it isnt rocket science toi kno the more powerfull the lamp the blinder the quarry will be... Are you a hunter????? Thats the usual shite the antis spout, i have lamped thousands of quarry and NEVER have i blinded any of them, thats the old wives tales the antis push mate, are you a virgin lamper???????????? twat, are
  14. just because you'v been in the game the longest doesnt mean you kno more than others.... ill shine a clulite in your eyes from 50 yards away and then a 240 blitz im sure you will get further with the clulite in your eyes!! i dont think im an expert on lamps but it isnt rocket science toi kno the more powerfull the lamp the blinder the quarry will be...
  15. yeh i see your point but the 240 blitz makes the rabbits sit alot tighter and makes them run like their on ice, and with my pup never being bred for rabbits the easier i make the rabbits for her the better so surely its ideal for my uses? just a question not having ago like, i will be using the 240 blitz but ill be scanning about with the 170 calling in then once the dogs have been slipped that is when the 240 comes in so the 'quarry' cant get out reach of the beam atb
  16. agree mate like i said no worries what so ever that the quarry is going too get out the reach of the beam, and yes the 170 is a handy lamp too
  17. decided too invest in the lightforce 240 blitz variable one reason being that i source told me lightforce are giving up and the other reason that iv proberly got more money than sence but anyhow i use the 170 striker variable lamp which i do get on with perfect decided too give the 240 a blast tonight with the weather being perfect etc. and too cut a long story short it makes hares run like a dog on roller skates, it makes rabbits lie flat on the floor like cow shit but it topped it off when i noticed a little owl sat in the middle of a field and 70 yards later i was stroking it!!! is this la
  18. iv set live traps before and watched charlies around them, seeming really nervouse but doo stray in the trap, for a dead rabbit or cockerel not too keen on kfc thought but yet iv watched one sprint too a kfc box in the same field before, so it must be the trap, i think thats a good idea what the lad said in the above about leaving the trap too settle on its own for a few days before baiting it so the charlie gets use too it being there, somebody also told me too bait the area up with fish and chips covered in vindega and when i set the trap cover the bottom in an old carpet covered in leaves?
  19. dont think you can beat something with beddy in mate, iv got a beddy x myself but shes only 8 months,
  20. very nice mate, my brothers got a bedy grey x bedyy collie grey similar build too yours but different colour only a pup good little rabbitingbitch stands 23" tts very racey but like i said just a pup so yet too prover her self on things that bite back
  21. looks a handy dog if i was looking for a stud dog he would be right up my street
  22. i see what yah saying but i take it your family werent ripped off for double figure thousands by a close freind? when that happens trust goes out the window fella, and to be honest the only experiance its gave me is too not trust anyone even more :\
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