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Everything posted by mid.land.err

  1. thanks. just hope she performs as good next tuesday as its her first time out with the hunt
  2. p.s dont get the wrong impressions about my mates terrier as he is only a pup and did well too find the charlie and stick with it for a good ten minutes or more and without being bitten im sure its done him a world of good!
  3. well gave up on sunday after spending the weekend checking several earth with my red patterdale bitch and finding nothing at home, told my self its not cold enough yet etc etc. but come monday sorted all my dogs out etc and got ready too go too work but then got a phonecall around 2 pm off a mate saying he was out ferreting and one of his terriers had gone down a rabbit warren and he could hear him barking and wondered if i could go down with terrier and locator in hand so i did, when i got down there his dog had came out and all was good but i didnt turn out for the sake of it so thought id p
  4. i dont like bull x's i dont like alaunt x's but why shouldnt he breed his?? everybdy has their own oppinion and its got feckall too do with any of us let him get on with it if you cant help em dont post !!!
  5. yes mate this one is a tester he does sell them but i would never pay the amount of money he wants for one just too go ferreting with id only do it if i use it as an ornament in the house
  6. get in touch with dave platts mate, he lives just up the rd from me hasnt got any terriers himself but he can have a plummer pack at your door the following morning,
  7. my dads mate has not long started out so asked him too do my old gos for me and this is the outcome, not the best but its exactly how i remeber the bird looking when she was alive ofcourse
  8. lol the video of the dog chasing the deer has just been on this morning
  9. dont come on this section much but thought id share a photo of some ferret boxes my uncle makes, you could use them for ferreting but id rather just stick it in the lounge for show my self,
  10. its the shows that have ruined terriers if you ask me, if it was upto me you would have too have a license too keep terriers any terrier, that way many of the old school grafting breeds would still be here today, i agree showing at gamefairs can be a good crack and a good outcome but keep that for the lurchers my terrier wouldnt even see a gamefair never mind a show keep em at what they do best and thats earthwork, just my opinion
  11. i have one of these and yeh they are good but i think they would be better if they was heavier thanks mate ill have a ganders about pm s.p.w off here hes got a mint 2piece rouned nose shovel and iam sure he will point you in the right direction thanks bud ill get in touch
  12. anybody know wher i can get a heavy duty round nosed shovel from?
  13. iv got working dogs inside and out and from personal experiances id say kennelled dogs are hardier they can withstand harsher weather there less fussy with food or anything else and seem to just get on with their lives, dogs inside tend too be whimpier, more fussy with food, wine if one dog is let into the loung nd the others arent, chew cupboard if bored, shivver when out in cold conditions, andone of the biggest things is actually down too me and its getting attatched, i think its much easier too get attactched too a working dog thats kept indoors than outside thats why i prefer keeping the
  14. never seen one go too earth but not goign too lie iv never hurd anything good about them as being earthdogs but iv seen them work bushes and thick cover which they work a treat, just not for me when it comes too propper terrier graft
  15. pulling on lead, noisy in the kennell, noisey when coursing, noisey when calling in, noisey full stop!
  16. i payed 380 off bellman and flint website pal they deliver over sea's
  17. mine got delivered this week so not been out with it yet but iv had abit of a play and it seems worht the money, dont need batteries etc etc makes it much easier
  18. believe in ghots n that but never had any experiances with them, last winter me and my mate was out on some land about 1am when the field just lit up green, no firworksor anything like that and in middle of no where, not saying its aliens or ote lol but it did give us a scare,
  19. just been speaking too an experianced terrierman who reckons yah can get a gel for horses which works well but iv forgot what it was called
  20. some lads i know of got too an earth not long back too find cameras watching an earth the deal with every year (legally) when the LACS retunred too fetch there 'footage' they were only too find a note nailed too the tree where the cameras were saying 'if you want your cameras back you will find them on ebay' i thought is was brilliant haha
  21. yeh iv not had too use it for a while and totally forgot i had ran out of staples ordered some today but need too do it before they get here
  22. imagen the skin on the bottom jaw being pealed back from the chin half way too the end of the jaw thats what has happened' hopes its gave you more of an idea what the wound is like and any advice is welcome, the vets wont suply anti biotics without seeing the dog and there no way any vet is seeing my dogs...
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