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Everything posted by Davepowys

  1. Thanks for the info but it's a cash I'm after
  2. Hello all, I am after a cash special captive bolt if any one is selling one, will pay good money Cheers
  3. As I've got other dogs, work long hours, and not giveing her the time she needs, demo will be given she is a real nice bitch
  4. Yes I can email you pics don't now how to put them on here, £400 ono
  5. Hello all, 15 months ess bitch for sale, small type sire trialing dog dam good worker, part trained kc reg pm for info dog located in south Wales
  6. Was looking at that site the other day, thanks for the info will order off them if I can't find anywhere local
  7. Afternoon all, can any one recommend a cheeper place than hay and Brecon farmers to get panicur and drontol in s/w Wales, cheers dave
  8. Ahh [bANNED TEXT], Well I'll let you have it then
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